Chapter 8

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"Bleck" We turned as BEN spoke up, "Can you all have your mushy moment somewhere else? We're kind of in the middle of-"

He was thrown into the wall once more, but this time, the tendril came from behind.

Slender then walked over to us, and instantly noticed my tears. Not even a millisecond later, he gently lifted me up from the couch with his tendrils and used his hands to examine my face.

'Why are you crying? Did something happen while I was upstairs working? Who do I need to punish?!'

"Wow, didn't know you were into that kind of stuff, bro" They all glared at Offender, while I giggled.

"Too soon, brother"


Slender let out a sigh, setting me back down on Tender's lap.

"Hey Slenderp?" 'Jeff' spoke up, instantly making the ender turn.

'Jeffery, how many times am I going to have to tell you to stop calling me that?'

"Yeah, yeah, anyway!! When's LJ getting here? I gotta bone to pick with that fucker-"


"Fuck, shit, ass, dick, bitch, damn!!" Jeff yelled back, making Splendor jump up and grab the boy by the throat.

"Profanities are nOt WeLcOmE!!"  He screeched, his jaw unhinging and his tendrils flying around him as he growled. The little bells at the ends growing twisted mouths full of jagged teeth.

"Do I mAkE myself ClEaR?!"  Jeff growled, but nodded, making Splendor let go with a huff.

He spun around, back to normal, but he paused in fear as he saw my jaw dropped.

The other enders followed his gaze, tilting their heads before Offender pushed my jaw back up.

Now, I was just staring at Splendor with a surprised expression, but I then shook my head and looked up at him with stars in my eyes.

A grin replaced my straight lips, showing off my large jaws as I squealed, "THAT WAS SO COOL, SPLENDY!!!!"

The five laughed at my giddy state, while I continued to fangirl.

"I MEAN!! REALLY!!! WOW!!!!!" Splendor smiled, sitting back beside Tender and I.

"Sooo... brother..?" Splendor looked over at Slender, chuckling nervously.

"When IS Laughing Jack getting here..?" My face turned red as I thought back to earlier , my eyes widening slightly.

"Wow, I was WAY off" Splendor snickered, clearly recalling the moment as well.

The others noticed, but thankfully ignored it.

'I'm not sure, he-'

Slender paused, the others doing the same before Splendor stood.

'He's here, Splendor, make sure Sally and Lazari stay in their room, Trendor and Offender-'

'I know, I'll watch (Y/n) and make sure she doesn't wander off'

"I'm still right here" I spoke up,  crossing my arms sassily once more.

'Tender, go with Splendor'

Tender nodded, then disappeared with Splendor.

'Who is this guy? And why do I need to be watched?'

"We want to keep you safe" Offender mumbled, staring at the door, "LJ won't bother you, but BEN might"

BEN heard this and visibly rolled his eyes, feeling Offender glare in his direction.

'Besides, we want to keep you company while the others are busy'  Trendor 'smiled', sitting beside me as Offender nodded.

"Oh... okay" I crossed my legs, watching the front door with a curious gaze.

The other two then turned, watching as the door flew open, revealing a shadow with sharp teeth.

The figure walked into the light, allowing me to finally get a good look at the... male.

'That's Laughing Jack..?'

'You're late'  Slender hummed, causing the male to shrug.

His black, feather-covered, shoulders bounced slightly as he chuckled, "I got distract-"

Our eyes met, causing him to tilt his head with a jagged grin, "-ed?~"

Trendor turned my face away from the monochrome clown, but I could still see him from the corner of my eye.

He snickered, staring at me for a few more seconds before looking back at Slender.

"Really? Sharing a human girl between-"

"She is not our love interest" Offender growled, before turning back to me.

'And she's not human either'  Trendor huffed, clearly unhappy with how lowly the male thought I was.

"Hey shithead!! You owe me twenty bucks!!!"

"Yeah, and you owe me forty!! So go fuck yourself, smiley" The clown laughed, flipping Jeff off with a smirk.

"Oh, I'll show you 'smiley'!!" The two then leapt at each other, malicious grins on their faces.


'Yes, I agree, you should take (Y/n) upstairs to-'

I then yelped as the clown flew back, flipping over the couch and behind me.

"Come at me, fucker!!!" He laughed at Jeff, then glanced down at me.

We locked eyes once more, my eyes flickering (f/c) before turning back to normal.

He smirked, winking before disappearing, the only left behind was a small cloud of black fog.

Jeff jerked his head in different direction before being pinned to the ground by the fog.

The dark cloud then shifted into the clown, who threw Jeff's knife across the floor with a victorious laugh.

"I win!!"

'LJ' climbed off of the boy, his claws pulling him up as he grinned.

"Yeah, yeah" Jeff snickered, shoving the male away with a large smile.

"Weren't they just trying to kill each other..?" I whispered to the enders, who shrugged.

"Anyway, come on (Y/n)" Offender mumbled, lifting himself up from the couch.

He held out his hand for me, and I gladly took it with a grin, "Thanks, Offender"

Grinning, he ruffled my hair, then dragged me away from the living room with Trendor right behind us.

But I could still feel his eyes on me, and once I looked over my shoulder, my own orbs widened slightly.

He had his arms crossed, a smirk on his black lips, and his eyes narrowed in confusion.

He's curious... about me

A 'Friendly' Game of Tag (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now