Chapter 11

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"There you are, I thought you ran off" Offender ruffled my hair as I sat beside him, Trendor plopping down on the other side of the couch.

I smiled, giggling as he took off his fedora and dropped it onto my head.

Kind of like I did for him before.

'That... actually doesn't look bad on you' Trendor hummed, straightening the hat while fixing my hair.

"That's what I said earlier" Offender chuckled, snickering at the other ender's OCD.



After a few moments of Trendor fixing my hair, and me trying to put Offender's fedora back on his head, Slender came back from... where ever... and allowed us to leave the living room.

Thankfully, I hadn't seen the clown since earlier, and finally felt at ease.

"So... what should we do now?"

Offender shrugged, his hands resting in his pockets, "Not sure, we cant exactly go on a walk since it's nearly dark-"

He then jumped to the side as my wings spread behind me, folding against my back after 'being summoned'.

I looked at him with a blank expression, cocking my head to the side.


Trendor looked back towards us, then teleported beside me, hesitant to touch my wings.

'May I?'  I smiled, nodding.

Gently, his hands touched the blackened feathers, 'eyes' widening slightly.

"What's wrong..?" I mumbled, but he just shook his head.

'No, nothing is wrong actually. Offenderman, come here'

Offender regained his posture, and strode to Trendor's side in confusion, "What?"

'Feel this...'

"I hope you realize that didn't sound right" After making the remark, he looked over at me for permission.

Which I granted

His hand softly stroked a couple of feathers, and his 'eyes' widened as well.

"What is so surprisi-"

"They're so soft..!!" I blinked, then giggled as they practically hugged my wings.

It was pitch black outside, and it was just the ender brothers and I.

We all sat in the living room, Slender questioning me because of... earlier today.

Apparently, a CP... I think his name was Masky, had seen me running down the hall to 'escape a dark mist'... and decided to tell Slender about it.

'Were any of you around when this happened?'

'Well, she tackled me in the hall whenever I left Sally's room?'

"Guys... it's alright... I'm fine, see?" He shook his head, grabbing my shoulders with an angry expression.

'You could have gotten hurt, (Y/n), this is serious!'  Splendor quickly took me from Slender's grasp and set me on his lap, letting out a sigh.

"She was only going to check on Trendor-"

'Oh, be quiet!! If you hadn't let her out of your sight, she wouldn't have been chased down the hall!!!'  He interrupted Offender, instantly making me stand up from Splendor's lap.

"Sir, it's not his fault. If anything, it's mine, so blame me" I crossed my arms, looking away slightly as his anger fell to slightly surprise.

'I apologize, (Y/n), but I mean it'

His tendril gently grabbed my chin, making me turn to face him.

'We care about you... now please, tell me who was chasing you'

I didn't hesitate to say-

"I don't know..! It just... was there..."

Sure, I felt bad for lying to them... but I don't want the clown to get even more angry with me..!

It's better this way, it'll be like it never happened!!

...I was so wrong...

((I apologize for the short chapter, but this just seemed like a good place to stop))

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