Chapter 4

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"Alright, as much as I want to stay here and hang out with the little devil, I have work to do" He grinned, "I'll pass by tomorrow though~"

"Bye, Mr. Offender!!!" I called as he waved, walking out the door with a chuckle.

I then looked back at the others, only to see them stare at the door in shock.




'...You are definitely one lucky girl...'

'I... agree'



I followed behind Splendor, looking at the forest around us with a small smile.

Yeah... since Trendor and I were 'too polite' and wouldn't decide on the sleeping arrangements, the others thought it would be better if I stayed with Tender..! But, he said he couldn't because he's constantly working and wouldn't be able to help me around. And Offender was an immediate no, so... now I am going to have to stay with Splendor and Slender...


How will the other... people... who live there react..? What did the brothers call them? Oh right!! Creepypastas... I think, I have no idea honestly.

Slender told us to walk there while he teleported, so he could 'tell everyone to behave' and clean up.

And Splendor likes nature apparently, and agreed to walk instead of teleport.

So... here we are... in the middle of the forest, just taking in our surroundings with smiles on our faces...

"Hey, (Y/n)?" I looked over at Splendor, my eyebrow arched.

"Yes, Mr. Splendy?"

He smiled softly, ceasing his strides and coming to an abrupt stop.

I copied his movement, tilting my head in confusion as he looked at me nervously.

"We are getting closer to the mansion... and I just want to tell you..." Crouching down to my level, he held my shoulders tightly...

"This place, is full of serial killers... and they are practically unpredictable... so... please be careful" He brought me into a tight embrace, closing his eyes with a small frown.

"I only have known you for a day and I adore you as if you were my own sibling... and I will do anything to protect you... alright..?" I felt tears roll down my cheeks as he pulled away, smiling slightly.

His gloved hand rested under my chin, his thumb brushing away the tears.

I was still in shock.

'...As if... I was his sibling..?'

I gleamed at the thought, and instantly tackled him to the ground with a squeal, happily sobbing into his shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." He returned the hug, chuckling.

"Alrighty, (n/n)!! You ready?" I pulled away, nodding with a giggle.

We approached the front door of the large, eerie, mansion with cheerful, yet nervous, expression... glancing at each other.

"Okay... here we go..!" He gave the wood a rhythmic knock, the sound lingering in the air like an echo.

The door then opened, Slender standing there with his usual blank expression, but it then lightened slightly as I waved.

"Are they in check?" Splendy growled, taking my hand in his own with a serious expression.

'They're never fully in check, Splendor, but I'll know if-'

"SPLENDY!!!!!" I yelped as a colorful blur pushed me out of the way, causing me to almost fall back off the porch.


Slender instantly grabbed me with his tendrils, pulling me towards him with a sympathetic and... worried... expression.

'Are you alright, (y/n)..?'  I nodded, to which he responded with a sigh and slight 'smile'.

"Thank you, Mr. Slenderman"

'No need for formalities, (Y/n), just Slender will be fine'  He responded quietly, patting the top of my head.

"Sorry, it's a reflex" I giggled, holding his hand on top of my head with a close eyed smile.

He chuckled, shaking his head before looking over at his brother that sat up abruptly, a happy, but panicked, grin on his face.

"YOUR BACK!!!" The 'colorful blur' yelled, squeezing the male's torso tightly... allowing me to finally see her.

It was a small brunette girl, a pink gown draping over her small form.

And... that was all I could see...

"Yep!! I have indeed returned!! But, Sally... you knocked over my friend..." He looked in my direction, frowning guiltily.

But, I just smiled, shrugging, "It's okay, Slender caught me before I could fall"

Splendor smiled... but only a little bit, while 'Sally' got off of him and stared at her feet with a pout.

"Sorry... I-"

"Nonono, it's fine!! I would probably do the same if I was in your place, kiddo" She looked back up at me, and all I could do was smile softly.

Her emerald eyes held joy, yet I could see sorrow... and... other things...

My eyes widened slightly.

It was as if I was reading her like a book, flipping through her memories as if they were pages.

I felt pity, and instantly bent down to her level, "Forgiveness hug?"

She gleamed, and immediately wrapped her arms around my waist, digging her face into my shoulder.

"YAY!! Forgiveness hugs are the best!!!" I chuckled at her statement, pulling away before ruffling her hair playfully.

"My name's (Y/n)!! What's yours?" I chirped, and even if I knew her name because of Splendor already, I thought it would be better to ask.

"I'm Sally, and this is Charlie!!" She held up a bear, making me giggle quietly.

Taking the bear's paw in hand, I gently shook it, "Nice to meet you both!!"

The girl grinned, then ran past Slender and into the mansion as I got back up.

My soft expression then turned nervous as I glanced at the brothers, shrugging.

"How do I know if they-"

'It's fine (Y/n)... if anything happens, we're here'  Slender mumbled, holding my shoulder softly.

Splendy nodded and copied Slender's actions, "Right!! Nothing will happen to you, we promise"

"Thanks... both of you"

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