Chapter 16

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Some of the CPs did the same, but the others just kinda gave me a dead look.

Splendor smiled, "That's (Y/n), she's-"

'Special'  Tender chimed in, chuckling as I moved in front of Surrender, sticking my hand out to him.

"Hi!! It's nice to meet you!!" He slowly shook my hand, clearly now on edge due to my surprise attack.

"Yeah... um... my name's Surrender..."


After a while of getting to know each other, Surrender actually grew a bit more comfortable around me. That of course didn't mean he was going to let his guard down for a single mili-second, due to the fear that I may pounce again. But yeah, other than that, everything was going great!!

But something just seemed to be nipping at me, all day long, and I was a tad bit on edge because of it...




Where the fuck did that monochrome bastard go?

No matter how hard I tried, that cone-nosed clown just couldn't leave my mind.

What if he left?

Did he finally stop bothering me?

Is he plotting something?

What's his next move?

I asked Slender about Laughing Jack, but he was just as clueless as I was. Which is a bit hard to picture... THE Slenderman not knowing where the fuck a huge clown with enormous claws and bright blue eyes is. Or are his eyes silver? Hmm...-AGH!! FOCUS!!!


Currently, I am sitting in my room, staring out the window over looking the front of the house. The enders had noticed me spacing out when I was talking to them previously, and thought that I should go rest.

Yeah, no. If anything, I was wide awake..

Curiosity and fear fueled me.

While I seemed to be in a daze, a dark mist seeped underneath the door.. and slowly began approaching me.

I shivered, hugging myself while tucking my legs underneath me. The room's temperature only seemed to drop even more..

And eventually, I had gotten tired of it and stood, about to walk over to my bed and snuggle into the covers.

I ended up 'snuggling' the hard, wood, floor.

Letting out a yelp in pain, I attempted to get back up, but my body was quickly thrown across the room into my dresser.

My eyes narrowed in pain, but they quickly widened as I heard the familiar cackling that I had grown ever so fond of.

I shakily looked up, only to see his grin a few mere centimeters away.

He laughed as I tried to push myself further away, muttering vile and sadistic things as I managed to get back to a sitting position.

As he was giggling, I decided to speak up.

"...Why do you do this to me..?" I winced as his claw held my throat, his body forcing my own against the wall.

I held onto his wrist, gold seeping from my neck as he began to tighten his grip. Tears swelled in my eyes, then rolled down my cheeks as he smirked.

"Why? Well, little doll, I am simply proving a point!!"

'...they said they wouldn't let him hurt me..'

Both of my hands were now scratching at his wrist, tugging and pulling as my vision began to blur.

"Now answer this" He growled, his smile dropping to a scowl, "Why.didn'"

My eyes seemed to widen even more as I looked at him, but they then quickly narrowed in anger.

'No... I need to learn to fight for myself... I cant keep depending on them for everything..!'

"Y-You're... s-still ab-bout th-tha.. t..?" I sputtered out as his claws began to dig further into my skin, " tha.. t w-what th-this i... s a-about-t?"

His eye twitched, and his growl darkened as I let out a strained chuckle.

"I-I guess y-y-you co... could s-say, I g-got to... you" With a sudden rush of adrenaline, I lifted up my legs and kicked him in the torso.

I shut my eyes, letting out a hushed scream as his claws were torn from my skin, his body being throw back from my kick.

My eyelids fluttered, and my vision was blurred as I peered through.

He began getting back up, my golden blood dripping from his black claws as he stood. I looked up at his face and trembled..

'..I cant do this on my own..'

Then, with all the remaining strength that I could muster.

I inhaled sharply and his eyes widened, and he quickly leapt forwards.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion from then..

I screamed at the top of my lungs...

He ripped, and dug his claws into my throat..

And the brothers ran into the room...

Then finally... my eyes closed... and darkness consumed me as my body fell.


A 'Friendly' Game of Tag (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now