twenty three.

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If someone had told them that they would be inside the department store at 11 pm on a saturday night, they would have strongly disagreed. However, being friends with a certain ravenette brings you into these type of situations.

"Why are we here Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as the three boys got out of his jeep and stood in the target parking lot.

The youngest was busy getting his camera from the backseat and only now checking if it was actually charged. "This is the only place open all night that hasn't kicked me out for filming yet." he explained.

Jimin nodded and shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets, "It's cold, can we hurry up."

"So Taehyung," Jungkook started, the three walking towards the store entrance.

"Yes boss."

"I love that." the ravenette said before continuing, "Feel free to do whatever you want, film what you think is important and all that, you're in charge." Jungkook explained to the older boy, he wasn't that picky when it came to his videos. Chaos was his specialty.
Taehyung nodded as he listened and took the camera from the younger boy.

"And you're allowed to talk if you want, just don't show your face because I'm going to use that as a video later on if that's okay." Jungkook added.

"Sure," was all Taehyung said before opening the view finder of the camera and aiming it at the newly pink haired Jimin, who was already smiling and posing for the camera.

"Tell me what I'm doing today Kook." Jimin said, still absorbed with himself and looking good for the camera.

Jungkook stood beside his hyung and rolled his eyes, "You're too much. Taehyung start recording please."

The brunette did as he was told and held the camera perfectly with steady hands, and with a little nod, he told Jungkook he was good to go.
"Hey guys, welcome back, you all know Jimin." he gestured over to his friend standing smiling beside him, anything but camera shy. "He's channeling his inner fairy today."

Taehyung let out a quiet chuckle and missed the smile Jungkook sent his way, he was too focused on making sure he was filming good enough and not wavering from the shot. "Anyways," the youngest said, "Today we're at the store and we're going to play a game that hopefully my manager doesn't hate me for since it involves my wallet and this greedy fairy to my right."

Jungkook quickly explained the game and to Jimins joy, he was excited to play. All he had to do was pick out things he wanted and Jungkook had to buy everything he could carry. "It's not really an original idea, people have already done it but I told you guys I'm coming for every community on youtube so watch out."

"Just wait until he tries to infiltrate the beauty community." Jimin grinned.

Jungkook gave the shorter boy a light shove, "Remember you're my test dummy so I'd be nice if I were you."

The pink haired boy just laughed and turned to walk off, apparently taking the lead and starting it off. "Well alright I guess we're starting." Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung with a laugh and just getting a shrug in return.

"See my plan is," Jungkook said just so Taehyung and the camera could hear, Jimin was walking ahead and looking at the toy section. "This boy is too sweet to go picking expensive stuff, and I bought him ice cream before this so he'd be nice."

Taehyung was walking slightly behind him so his side profile was in the shot along with Jimin walking ahead. "Plus he's short and not that smart this late at night so he probably won't figure out how i'm going to carry it all."

Taehyung laughed quietly again, earning another smile from the youngest.

The two boys finally paid attention to the pink haired boy ahead, who had abruptly stopped and turned with a large bin in his hands. "This is the first item Kook." Jimin smiled sweetly. "And I think I'm pretty smart all the time." He added with a subtle glare before walking away.

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung behind the camera and glared at the brunette when he mouthed the word 'rip'.

"Just know that if I spend too much today you won't be getting paid because I need to cover rent first." Jungkook said.

About an hour later Jimin had collected a bunch of items stacked in the bin he gave Jungkook at the beginning, from clothes to pairs of shoes and even some makeup items. He saved the snacks for last, placing them strategically on top.

"I'm beginning to think I should have established a set of rules to this game." Jungkook mumbled, his arms were tired but the gym was being kind to him right now. "Next time." Jimin smiled, "And I'm done."

"Finally." Jungkook huffed, carrying the bin to the front of the store by the cash registers. He chose one of the self checkout stations and started to scan the items before sending them down the belt for Jimin to bag happily.

"Only Jimin can get this much money out of a friend and still be loved." Taehyung chuckled, the two of them watching the total grow and the frown deepen on the youngest face.

"Only because I love that fucking fairy." Jungkook swiped his card and forced a smile towards the camera. "I better get a lot of likes and subscribers from this. It's my sole income."

idk if they have target in seoul
but let's pretend they do

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