027. Monster

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Jimin's eyes snapped wide open as he jerked awake, feeling the cold marble behind his back

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Jimin's eyes snapped wide open as he jerked awake, feeling the cold marble behind his back. He whipped around, restless eyes scanning his surroundings, desperate to determine where he was exactly. Cheerful chatter could be heard in the distance as his every sense urged him to claw his way to standing. He sprung up, swaying slightly and feeling as if he were in a dream.

Everything around him felt strangely foreign. A thick fog cloaked his consciousness, swooping in and skirting around like a giant eraser, eradicating every useless thought that wouldn't serve him in his only goal tonight.

To find her.

"Jimin!" glossy mint-green locks flowed behind her bare shoulders as she swished in his direction, wafting a delicate scent that penetrated his nostrils. She looked... familiar. He couldn't exactly determine where he knew her from. He slightly stumbled backwards, caught off-guard by her enthusiasm and the way her tiny palms gripped at his sides. "You'll never believe what happened. Jin was talking to one of his father's colleagues, and- oh, wait, he'll tell you himself. Jin, over here!"

With haste, she spun around, motioning for someone to join them. A towering broad-shouldered man waddled towards them, his ebony bangs bouncing up and down as he did so. Abruptly, he came to a halt right in front of them, clutching on his chest and trying to catch his breath.

"Tell him, Jin," Meisa ushered him, tugging slightly at his sleeve. That's right. Meisa.

"This young doctor, a friend of my father's, just told me something rather, um, interesting," Jin explained breathlessly. "Hyukjae has been talking to one of the Psychiatry residents at the hospital, another young doctor that has just graduated. He's been paid to prepare a fake medical statement claiming that he's examined Aera and has determined that she has serious mental issues that make her unfit from making her own decisions. If this really happens, Hyukjae is going to obtain full legal guardianship over her, considering he's her only living relative."

"Can you imagine?" Meisa's eyes widened, her perfectly chiseled brows creasing together. "The bastard wants people to believe that Aera is incapable of taking care of herself. I have no idea what his endgame is though. We have to tell Namjoon and the others immediately, maybe they'll be able to put everything together. What do you think, Jimin?" she questioned, concern swimming in her green orbs.

"I think that I have to go." Jimin replied flatly, earning dumbfounded looks from the other two.

"You have to- what?" Meisa scowled. "Did you hear any part of what Jin just said?"

"I have to go." he repeated, turning around in an almost robotic manner and marching towards the crowd gathered in the central area of the hotel garden, swooshing past Jin and Meisa. His every movement was full of purpose and intent as they merely stared after him, mouths agape and jaws dropped.

The atmosphere around Jimin was one of elation, however, he had no intention of stopping and enjoying the warm summer air. He slipped into the crowd, swiftly making his way through the vast sea of people and shadows. His strides precise and efficient, he kept his focus riveted to the sole idea of finding her. Steadily, his dark orbs kept eyeing the crowd with a sort of malicious meticulousness characteristic to an armed hunter chasing a defenseless rabbit.

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