Chapter 15: The Battle

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[Minhyuk's POV]

Practice is finally over! I went up stairs to get some fresh air. While I was up stairs I smelled something and that something is none other than... FRIED CHICKEN!!! So I followed the smell but it led me to a room. As I saw the room there was a girl dancing. She is very beautiful and she is really great in dancing. I was really mesmerized as I saw her.

"Natasha~" I said.

"Natasha? Me?" The girl said as she stopped dancing.

"You're my Natasha!" I said.

"No I'm not Natasha. I'm Victoria." She said.

"Wait, you mean.. Victoria.. Song?" I asked.

"Yup. I am." Victoria said.  "Nice to meet you.. umm... what's your name?"

"Minhyuk. Nice to meet you too."

[Emily's POV]


"Bye!" That could be him.

"Yah!! Where did you go you idiot?!" I shouted.

"Hey~ calm down unnie. Aiisshh." He said.

"Ok fine.. Come, we have a meeting with the other members." I said.

"Members of what?" He asked confused.

"With the music department, duh?" I said.

"Oh my gosh! I have to go! Bye Emily!" There he goes. Rushing again. Well, I have to go too.

After a week. Friday. October 17. The day  of the battle.

[Jasmine's POV]

"Fighting!!!" All of us said in unison.

"Boo!!!" Psh. Some of the dance department cheered.

"WE DON'T CARE!!!" We said. Again.

Now at the stage.

[YongHwa's POV]

"Ladies and Gentlemen..... blah blah blah...." Said the anouncer.

"Let the battle begin!!!" Said the anouncer again.



*cricket sound*


"Okay. I need Kim Jasmine and Han Hee Joo in the stage please." Said the host. Han Hee Joo went in the stage first proudly then followed by of course Jasmine.

"One of you will go first. I'll throw a coin. You should pick... head or tails. You first Jasmine." Said the host.

"Tails." Jasmine said. So the host threw the coin. The result is...

[Jasmine's POV]


After 123456789 hours.

*clap clap clap clap*

"Well done dance department!" Said the host.

[Han Hee Joo's POV]


Time for the plan...

"Let's give it up for... the music department!" The host said.

"Get YongHwa's guitar!" I shouted then my friends took his guitar before they could perform on stage.

Do you know what is the plan? The plan is were gonna get YongHwa's guitar and break all his strings. Wahahaha! Evil, right?

Yes! YongHwa's strings are all broken!!!

"Again... the music department!" The host said. W-wait?! I can see that YongHwa has his guitar a-and it's not broken plus i-it's DIFFERENT?!

[YongHwa's POV]

Hahaha! They actually broke the strings of a fake guitar and worst they thought that it was my guitar! Jas was right all the time! She's so smart! *dug dug dug dug*  Errr... I know what you guys think right now. -.- Yup! It's super obvious!

After our performance we were all called back at the stage.

"Congratulations...." The host started. "Music Department!!!" He cheered.

"What? Really?!" Jas said while jumping up and down. I can feel her happiness right now.

[Jasmine's POV]

I'm glad that I was right with Han Hee Joo's plan. I just guessed it! Anyway, I'm super happy because we won!


Hi readers!

God, thank you for giving me another year in life. Thank you for this opportunity, for always taking care of me and for always keeping me safe.

Yup. It's my birthday today! October 17.

How was the chapter? 2nd quarter tests are done and I'll update as soon as possible. Thanks!

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