Chapter 10

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September (3 months later)

Mikaela's POV

"Are you ready for Midland tonight?" Holly asked, bouncing excitedly into my room.

I laughed. "Definitely! It's going to be a great show."

I was definitely looking forward to tonight. This was my first night out in quite a while. The last few months had been difficult for me, but it was well past time for me to stop moping around and wallowing in self pity.

After that night in Charlotte, when I left Ryan in that hotel room after his cold words sent daggers through my heart, I became a recluse. I hardly left the house. I struggled just to get out of bed in the morning.

Four weeks later, on my birthday, I found out I was pregnant.

Figuring Ryan should know, I tried to contact him several times but my calls and messages went unanswered.

Five days later, I had a miscarriage.

More phone calls and messages to Ryan went unanswered.

When I learned I was pregnant, I was shocked, but a small part of me was thrilled.

Following the miscarriage, I had some complications with excessive bleeding that required surgery. I was told that I would probably never have children.

I was beyond devastated as that gave me yet another reason to not get involved with anyone.

My mind flashed back to our last night together. It was the first time ever that we had not used protection. Of course I would get pregnant.

My depression grew.

It didn't help matters that the Dover race was approaching. I had been seeing the promos on TV that Ryan and I had shot that last time I was in Charlotte. I was performing at a concert the night before the race for a big fan event the track was holding. My record label was sponsoring the race.

In an effort to drag me out of my depression, Holly had managed to snag tickets to the sold out Midland concert tonight in Nashville. I was actually looking forward to it as we were both fans of the group. For the first time in a while, I was feeling pretty good.


Ryan's POV

"Let's get some air." I said to Chase, pointing to the exit sign.

Chase and I were in Nashville for a couple of days, attending a Midland concert. The place was packed, and it was getting stuffy inside of the arena. It was intermission, so everyone was standing around waiting for the big act to come on stage.

Chase followed me out onto the outdoor balcony of the arena.

I heard Chase next to me mutter the word "shit" under his breath.

Before I could ask, I looked up and saw her.

She was leaning against the railing on the balcony, her head thrown back in laughter.

She was wearing a sleeveless denim romper with white cowboy boots and hat.

She looked great.

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