Chapter 39

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Mikaela's POV

Daytona!!! The 2019 season had finally began.

I had a show in Orlando last night that Ryan was able to attend. After the show, we drove back to the track.

Cody and Brittany stayed overnight in Orlando, and were meeting us at the track a little later.

This afternoon, was the Busch Clash. This race was only for pole winners, and since Ryan had three poles last season, he would be running in it.

Qualifying had not gone as well as we had hoped. Ryan had posted 17th fastest time, but for the Daytona 500, only the front row was set and the qualifying order only determined where you would start in the Duels that would be run on Thursday.

Ryan would be in the second duel, and Joey was in the same race, so at least Ryan would have a teammate with him.

I got an alert on my phone. It was a text from Cody letting me know that he and Brittany had arrived at the track.

Ryan and I met them at the gate and gave them their credentials so that they could have access to the pits, garages and drivers bus lot.

"This is so fucking cool!" Cody exclaimed, taking a deep breath, inhaling the exhaust and gas fumes so well associated with a race track.

"Ryan, Mikaela! So good to see you!" Paige Keselowski, Brad's wife gave both of us a big hug.

I introduced her to Cody and Brittany. "I am a huge fan!" She exclaimed to Cody.

Next we met up with Brittany Logano, Joey's wife. She was tickled to meet another Brittany.

"I have both of your albums on repeat. They are so good. I can't wait to see your show tonight." She said.

This went on for the next hour. Everyone I ran into, and introduced Cody and Brittany to, raved about our respective albums.

Cody was amazed at how many people were knew his name and were familiar with his music.

It was such a nice feeling to see him get so much recognition.

Ryan had to debrief with Jeremy and the rest of the crew, so I took Cody and Brittany to the motor home.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed looking around. "This makes the tour bus look like a school bus."

I laughed. "This is our second home. After five weeks of the tour bus and hotels, it is nice to be home." I laughed.

Ryan walked in. "Chase invited us to his motor home for lunch." He said.

We walked a few spots down to Chase's bus, where Holly was manning the grill.

She gave a warm hug to Cody and Brittany.

"What do you think of Daytona?" She asked.

"This is seriously the coolest fucking thing I've seen, and the racing hasn't even started. I'm totally pumped." He said.

Chase came out of the motor home with a platter to take the food off the grill.

"Y'all come on in and eat." He said.

He offered us all drinks, taking a Mountain Dew for himself. Cody took a beer while Ryan, Brittany and I sipped on Body Armor.

The race was scheduled to begin in two hours, but the weather didn't look too promising, as it had been sprinkling off and on all morning.

We ate and hung out for the next hour. Then went back to Ryan's bus to take Libby and Sturgill out.

Soon it was time for us to make our way trackside.

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