Chapter 17

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Ryan's POV

The next afternoon, I was still thinking about Mikaela. I thought I was going to get to talk to her after the race, but as soon as I got to her, she took off.

I might as well face it, it really was over.

I reached for another beer and heard my phone chirp.

It was a text message from Chase.

Chase: Come with us to Nashville for a couple of days.
YRB: Why? What's in Nashville?
Chase: Uh your girl for one
YRB: She's not my girl
Chase: Then get her back
YRB: Don't you think I tried. It's over. She's made that clear
Chase: We are going anyway. Holly has to get back for some work and Bubba's tagging along. Holly said Mikaela's miserable and is being a huge pain in the ass. We got a plan.
YRB: Alright


Mikaela's POV

I couldn't help but be annoyed. Holly invited me to have lunch. After waiting for nearly an hour, she called to say she was running late. It shouldn't seem like that big of a deal, but I was in a foul mood.

I haven't talked to Holly since Daytona. After the race, she had taken off with Chase, while I flew back to Nashville. Now she was back home and because her boyfriend had left she decided she wanted to spend time with me.

I did miss my friend, but frankly I prefer to be alone these days.

I was about to text her and tell her we would just get together later, but I caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of my eye.

Shit! That's Ryan.

What the hell was he doing here?

I hid behind the menu, praying he hadn't seen me. My first impulse was to get up and leave, but I knew for sure that he would see me if I did, considering I would have to walk right by him to get to the door.

I picked a great time to not wear a ball cap and sunglasses.

Fuck! He saw me. He's walking over. He's wearing one of my favorite shirts. Shit. Why does he have to look so damn good?

He stopped at my table, smiled, then reached down and hugged me.

Damn those blue eyes.

"Mikaela, hi. It's so good to see you. You look great. I can't believe I ran into you here." He said.

Then sat down across from me, rendering me speechless.

"I'm really glad I did run into you. You left so fast after the race, I didn't get a chance to talk to you. Maybe we can get together and have a drink later." He smiled at me.

How could he just sit there and pretend that nothing had happened? He was acting like we were old friends.

I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"I can't. I'm sorry, I have to go."

I practically ran out of that cafe as fast as I could. My heart was pounding in my chest.

I called Holly. "Sorry. I can't do lunch. I'm on my way home."


Ryan's POV

Okay, so plan A didn't go so well. We still had a backup plan, but I wasn't feeling too confident.

I called Holly.

"She took off. She wouldn't talk to me." I explained.

"She just called. She's on her way home. I'll get her out tonight. We'll corner her if we have to."

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