Part 2

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      Baffled by text that written the two gave each other a look. 
       "Should we read more?" Said levy unsure  "this seems like something that won't be of much help to us anyway"
        "You can stop reading but I will"  Lucy stated "A Dragon Slayer Mating Season most likely happened far into the past.  Plus if we read we can learn about past Dragon Slayers and we can use this as a joke later on!"
        "Okay I'll guess that will be fun to tease them.  Wonder how Gajeel would react to finding out if he was born earlier he would have to have a mating season" Levy said happily
        "Okay we've been here a while and it's getting late let's get the book Levy chan!"
         "All right Lu chan!  Should you take the book or should I?"
         "I'll take it!"
         "Alright then I'll see you tomorrow Lu chan!"
         "See you tomorrow Levy chan!"

***Time skip to tomorrow at the guild***

          "Good Morning Levy chan I brought the book! Would you like to finish the book?"
Said Lucy excitingly
          " Morning Lu chan!  Of course I would! Let's go to the corner over there so we can't be bothered"
          " Now let's read that part of the book about the Dragon Slayer Mating season Thingy" said Lucy
          'Dragon Slayer Mating season is a time where people who possess the Dragon Slayer magic try to find their 'Mate' or 'soulmate' once they come of age This happens because their Magic is Dragon like and Dragons find mates to reproduce a offspring or offsprings.  For Dragon Slayers they find their soulmate.  Their are 5 stages to this.
Stage 1:  The Dragon slayer will figure out who their soulmate is and develop feelings for them if they didn't have feelings for their mate already.  ( If a person didn't not recognize their feelings as romantic feelings they would recognize them during this stage)
Stage 2:  This is when the Dragon slayer would act out on this feelings.  Flirting with their mate whether indirectly or directly. Directly being obvious flirting or indirectly being giving the person things they like or taking them places they enjoy etc.  Some might start a relationship with their mate some won't. 
Stage 3: Possessiveness.  The amount of possessiveness depends on the Dragon Slayers personality. Clinginess will happens as well
Stage 4:  Marking.  This is when the Dragon slayer will bite their mates neck.  The bite will show the element of the Dragon slayer Magic.  A Dragon slayer can be marked by another Dragon slayer.  If this happens there marked dragons slayer will not mark the Dragon slayer that marked them.  Since they are marked they by their mate the feel to mark their mate will go away.
Stage 5: This is when Mating happens.
*Note if anyone try's to become between the mates The Dragon Slayer will not hesitate to attack that person. 
        "Wow~ this is cheesy" Said Lucy slightly amused
       "Yeah this perfect stuff to teas-eh?" Levy starts but is soon stops
       "What is the ma- NASTU WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Lucy screams angrily
      "GAJEEL CUT IT OUT!!!!" Levy shrieked

The two yelled at the two Dragon Slayers that we're attempting to blast their dragon slayers roars at each other which would destroy the guild yet AGAIN.   The two run to stop the two and leave the book wide open on the page they were reading.
       "Huh?" Lisanna said curious "what's this?"

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