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(Ngl i wanna make all the art contain Lucy or just a pic of Lucy cause why the hell not)

"Lucy what was the last thing you remember?" Wendy asked quietly "anything at all?"
"No, nothing Wendy" Lucy said looking away. She couldn't bare to look at her because she felt embarrassed. "I don't even remember getting up this morning to be honest"
"Do you remember yesterday then?"
"Yes" Lucy said "Just not this morning, what happened again?"
"You were attacked early this morning.  We didn't find any signs a person magic because it looked like they just used everyday objects.  We found grays ice at the scene.  He didn't attack you but apparently someone took his some of his ice from a previous attack" Wendy said looking over a small black and red notepad as if she were taking notes
"Wait I got this injured from a person with no magic?!  I know I'm not the strongest person in the world but I know how to fight!" Lucy said shocked and somewhat annoyed
"I know.  Gajeel and Natsu said that you went out without your keys as if you misplaced them" Said Wendy "I always thought you were so careful Lucy"
"Ugh..." Lucy said annoyed placing her head in hands "how long was I out?"
"I estimate a few long does it feel to you?" Wendy said while fishing around to grab some mashed potatoes that's Mira left earlier for when Lucy wakes up
"I don't even know...where did they find my stuff?" Lucy questioned
"Uhh if I remember correctly one was in stuck between your bed....andddd...the other behind your oven or fridge" Wendy said scratching her cheek "I can ask them again for you if you want"
"I swore I put my them on my dresser! What the hell???" Lucy exclaimed
"Nastu believes you left your window unlocked and someone broke in like he does, Gajeel believes that it's the person who attacked you and they hid them so couldn't defend themselves" Wendy explained handing Lucy the food Mira left
"Their probably right..." Lucy said pausing to take a bite before her eyes widen in shock "WAIT" she shrieks
"whAT?" Wendy says startled from Lucy's sudden outburst
"It must be someone I know right?, or at least someone who knows me enough to know about that window! As well as to know where I keep my things!" Lucy said theorizing out loud "It's either someone from the guild... or maybe a creepy stalker!!!"
"Ooooh your so right!" Wendy said "In a few days when your all better you and the others can investigate, but until then rest up"

Lisanna POV
I disguised as Happy laid near the door of the infirmary ease-dropping. I knew they would catch on to me eventually at this rate so earlier I made a fake job to and pretended to head out for it to avoid suspicion. I plan to stay in this Happy form for as long as possible. I went back and bought another one of those scanners and scanned a random civilian so the real happy thinks they kidnapped him. So when I let him go Nastu wouldn't immediately attack me.

But as I sat her pondering I wondered why ive been acting the way I have for the past few days

Why did I lie about the book? It wasn't that big of a deal. I should've owned up and apologized and just admitted I was curious and took it

Why did I even attack Lucy? This isn't like me. I've been a bit jealous about her and Natsu but I never hated her. Seriously just a month ago I accepted the fact he would never like me back and made plans to find someone new. I even kidnapped Happy and plan to pin the blame on a random civilian. I'm far to deep now to go back tho.

Honestly thought it feels like I'm not the one making my own choices.

Guess who's dumbass got sick and now has to be home and be hella behind on all her classes and not get to see her crush 😻

But here's an update since I remembered where I was going with this shit

I published this chapter to early yesterday so yeahhhh

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