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Hey Author here
No I'm not discontinuing this book
I'm talk about why I haven't updated to much on this book

My first reason is school
I got into all honors and I can get stressed very VERY easily.  I come form a mixed family Chinese's Jamaicans so they aren't going to allow me to get out of honors classes.  A lil rant here but one of my teachers called the class a disgrace including me for forgetting to cite where we got each answer. Another called me into to extra help only to yell at me for going to extra help and wasting her time.  Another has no compassion to what her student's situation are.  She evens insults people and will call security for no reason.   I also have a racist teacher ('⊙ω⊙').   I look Hispanic okay despite not a soul in my family not being Hispanic.  Most of them are black and the other Chinese sooooo she says I'm adopted.   I'm just mixed like DAM WOMEN CHILL.  She also has comments like.   "Of course the black student is unprepared". "Of course the Jamaican students late". "I shouldn't be surprised the Greek student not paying attention". "Of course the white students having a breakdown"

Schools is hard and it doesn't help when you fat, stupid, and hated
Imma fail algebra

Mental heath
I'm very bipolar and I get mad and certain times and I take it out on the lower classes.   I get mad curse and act violent and speak about very scary stuff just to make their time in my area miserable for not good reason.  I'm depressed most of the time and have very bad anxiety.  Think it came from being bullied (it started when I was 3 I'd you're curious)

My home life
Let's just say it ain't the best.   My parents force opinions on me and lecture me everyday.  Legit the first thing my mom said today was "your pathetic".  She also forces religious beliefs on me which something sounds like a cult.  My dad lectures me about my weight and how I should exercise more and socialize.

I'm not her for comfort bc I know most people say the basic stuff to people like me for example
"Don't say that your beautiful!"
"It'll get better!"
"Your worth it"
"We care!"
Like I dot been believe that ish anymore bc people just say that to look good or to get likes.

I'm just here to explain why I'm not updating it didn't help that my dog recently had died and I'm at the point where I still see her everywhere

When I am in the mood I to write stories and usual go to the my other two books that have less chapters to I can get them to the same level with this book

So here's my question

When I have the time and willpower to write should I continue to write this book to the end then go to my other books?

Or should I continue to write my other two books so they can get to same chapter count and them give each book a chapter in a pattern?

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