Chapter 1

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  Avengers: Age of Ultron

  (Avengers POV)
"Let's Go, Avengers" Cap says while taking out some of the Hydra agents with his shield. Tony got to the building but hit the shield around it.
"Shit!" Tony says.
"Language! Jarvis what's the view from upstairs." Cap says.
"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is more beyond the other hydra bases we have taken."
Thor lands and starts to fight more hydra agents.
"Loki's scepter must be there" Thor says while fighting.
Black Widow throws a grenade into one of the vehicle. She knocks one out and jumps on the shoulders of another.
" 'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys." She says as she shoots at an agent.
Hawkeye hides behind a tree shooting a explosive arrow at a vehicle.
"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." He says.
Tony flies around the building blasting the agents on the building.
"Wait a second, no one is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?" He says
"I know. It just slipped out." Cap said while throwing his motorcycle at a vehicle.

(Inside Hydra's base)
"Who sent the order to attack?"
"Herr Strucker, it's the avengers."
A guard comes up.
"They landed in the far woods. The perimeter guards panicked."
"They must be after the scepter. Can we hold them?" Strucker said.
"They're the Avengers."
"Send out the remaining tanks."
"We can show them what we've accomplished. Send the twins out." A member of Hydra says
"No, it's too soon" Strucker says.

(Avengers POV)
"Sir, the City is taking fire" Jarvis tells Tony.
"Well, we know that Strucker not gonna worry about civilian casualties. Send the Iron Legion in."
Hawkeye runs from tree to tree. He shots at one of the tanks when a blur runs past it. He goes to shoot again but he gets flipped over. He sees a young man walk by him while smirking. Hawkeye gets up getting an arrow and was about to shoot when he gets shot.
Black widow turns around to see Hawkeye fall down.
"Clint!" She yells
The same man knocks Cap over.
Black widow runs over to Clint to help the wound.
"Can anyone deal with that tank." She asks
Hulk runs at the yank making it go one it's side.
"Thank you" She says
"Tony, you've got to get inside." Cap says while fighting.
"I'm on it" Tony lands and gets rid of the guards around him. He asks Jarvis to find the source for the energy shield. Tony then heads to the north tower. Shooting at the shield the throwing a missile at it.
"Drawbridge is down people." Tony states.
Tony flys into the building making guards shoot at him.
"Guys, stop we got to talk this through."
He shoots them all in the legs.
"It's a good talk." He flys over to one of the computers.
"Make sure you copy it. I want it all.
Back outside, Black Widow looks around.
"It's all good here." She says
"Okay, get to Banner. Time for a lullaby." Cap says
(Inside Hydra's base)
"Hey J, give me a quick IR scan of the room." Tony asks.
"The hole to your left. I'm reading steel reinforcement." Jarvis tells Tony.
Tony walks over and pushes on the wall. He enters the room and walks down the tunnel. He comes to another room and fines the scepter. He comes out of a vision and grabs the scepter. He was about to leave when he sees an open file on the table that held the scepter. He grabs the file and opens it. Inside was a photo of a young female with silver eyes. Her eyes looked like  silver fire flowing out of them. Tony flipped the picture over and there was a name in the back.

This is Silver's eyes when she uses her full powers and when she's angry👇

This is Silver's eyes when she uses her full powers and when she's angry👇

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