Chapter 7

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(Silver's POV)
"All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out. Used the internet as an escape hatch." Bruce said
"It's my fault." I said with tears falling down my face.
"No, it's not, S" Tony says
"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance, probably knows more about us then we know each other." Nat says
"He's in your files, he's  in the internet. What if he decides to access something more exciting." Rhodes suggested
"Nuclear codes" Hill and I said
"Nuclear codes. Look we need to make some calls assuming the bad" Rhodes finished
"He said he wanted us, then he didn't say dead. He said extinct." Steve says
"He also said he killed someone." I pointed out
"But there wasn't anybody else beside us, right" Clint says
"Yes, there was," Tony said putting up a picture of a shattered Jarvis.
"This is insane" I say
"Jarvis was the first line of defense. He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense." Steve said in disbelief
"No, Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is rage." Bruce said looking around at us.
Thor walks into the room and grabs Tony by the neck holding him up. I took out Storm and put it up to Thor's neck. I could feel my eyes go up in flames.
"I suggest you put Tony down or I swear to Hades, I'll cut your head clean off." I said rudely
Thor harshly put Tony down. I removed my blade from his neck.
"Trail went cold about a hundred miles out, it's heading North, and it has the scepter. Now we have to retrieve it again." Thor said glaring at me as I made my way over to Tony.
"Tony, are you alright?" I said softly
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks" he says
"We'll find the scepter together" Cap says.

The Maximoff twins walk up to an abandoned church. They walk into the church trying to find the person that wanted them.
"Talk, and if you're wasting our time..." The female twin Wanda said but was cut off by a voice.
"Did you know this church is in the exact center of this city? The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God. I like that. The geometry of belief." The voice paused "You're wondering why you can't look inside my head." The voice says
"Sometimes it's hard. But sooner or later, every man shows himself." Wanda says
A figure stands up letting the curtain that hid themselves fall, revealing Ultron.
"I'm sure they do. But you needed something more than a man. That's why you let me take the scepter." Ultron says
"I didn't expect, but I saw Stark's fear. I knew it would control him. Make him self-destruct." She says "You came to end the Avengers."
"I came to save the world. And that" Ultron says.

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