Chapter 6

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(Silver's POV)
I followed her to one of the couches. I sat between Thor and Steve.
"So, Silver, Tony said that you wanted to talk to us." Steve said
"Oh yes, I trust you guys to tell you about myself. My father was an unknown god to human. He wiped his existence from their memories long ago. But the people still talked about him."
"If he was talked about then they did know about him." Bruce asked confused
"No, they didn't know that it was a god with great powers. They just known a word. If they did something wrong that word would come."
"What word?" Steve asked
"Destruction" I said
"So, Your father is a god who wipes his existence from the human mind. But the humans knew that if the did something wrong, that destruction will come." Tony said
"Yes, my father was the god of destruction and chaos and the king of the underworld. My mother was the Queen of Hel. Little before humans walked the Earth, she dethroned the previous king. She met my father when she went to the Underworld. They both fell in love. They moved to the surface when my mother found out she was pregnant. She didn't think she could get pregnant. My mother and father went to a sorceress called the Ancient One. The Ancient One said that there was a reason that she became pregnant. My mother and father lived on the surface while she was pregnant. Five months into the pregnancy, she started to feel her magic and powers getting drained from her. When it was time for her to give birth, my mother and father summoned the most powerful demons. They were so powerful that my mother and father named them the Princes of Hel and The Underworld. Angel and Sebastian. They ruled when my mother was pregnant. They made a sacred oath to protect me when my parents die. When my mother gave birth to me it killed her. I took every ounce of magic in her. Unable to control my powers, since I was a baby, I drained my father's magic and powers from him when he picked me up killing him in the process. Angel and Sebastian took me to the Ancient One so she could raised me until I was one hundred years and five months old . She raised me to control my magic and powers. She also taught me how to use different kinds of magic. I called her my mother. Once I reached that age Angel and Sebastian took me to Hel and the Underworld . They taught me how to fight and when it was time I was crowned princess of Hel and the Underworld. They said once I turned two hundred and seventy I would become Queen. Angel and Sebastian rule in the mean time until I turn twenty one and become immortal." I finished my story.
"So, Your telling us that Angel and Sebastian are demons and that you're the princess of Hel and the Underworld. Not to mention that your what two hundred and forty-five." Tony says
"Yes, Angel and Sebastian are the princes. They rule I become of age and I become immortal." I said explaining to them
"Your father was known as a lost god in Asgard." Thor says
"Yes, he was. When I took my father's and mother's magic and powers I also took their memories. In his memories I saw Asgard. I want to see it in person though."
" I could take you there. You're a goddess after all." Thor said
"Wait, I'm a goddess? Mother never told me that." I said confused
"Yes, your father was the lost god. The god of Destruction and Chaos and your mother was a Queen. She must have been a goddess since she ruled Hel." Thor explained. "What's your parents names?"
"Discord and Nephthys." I said to Thor
"Your mother was the Egyptian goddess of the dead." Tony said
"I remember now. Your father was an original god. He wiped his existence because he had to rule the Underworld. Chaos was erupting from the Underworld. He had no choice. My father would tell me and my brother tales about him." Thor said
"That's nice." I told Thor.

(Time skip to where they're trying to lift up Thor's hammer)

"But it's a trick" Clint says
"No, it's much more than that." Thor says with a smirk
I watched as they argued.
"Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power." Clint imitates Thor
"Please, be my guest." Thor points to mjolnir.
Clint gets up from where he's at and went over to mjolnir. He failed to get mjolnir off the table.
"I still don't know how you do it." Clint says
"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony says
"Please Stark,by all means" Clint says.
Tony gets up and unbuttons his jacket.
"Never one to shrink from a honest challenge."
He walks over to mjolnir. I watched in amusement.
"It's physics. Right, so if I lift this, I then rule Asgard?" Tony says.
"Yes, of course" Thor says.
He tried to lift it but failed.
"I'll be right back" He days. He comes back with one of his iron man glove. He then tries again to lift it.
"Rhodes, come over and help me." He says
Rhodes goes over to help him with one of his own gloves.
"Are you even pulling?" Rhodes said to Tony
"Are you on my team?" Tony said back.
When they couldn't pull it off the table, Bruce tried. He too failed. Steve gets up and moves over to pick up mjolnir.
"Go on, Steve, no pressure" I said
"Come on, Cap" Tony says
Steve went to pull on it and it slightly moved. Thor was shocked when it moved. He calmed down when it didn't moved anymore. Steve gave it one last pull before giving up.
"Oh, Widow" Thor says
"Oh no, no. That's not a question I need to answer." She says
"So, what you need Thor's fingerprints" Tony said sarcastically
"That's an interesting theory. I have a simpler one. You're all not worthy." Thor says picking up mjolnir and holding it in his hand.
"Hold on, how about we let S give it a try. I mean, she is a goddess and a princess." Tony says pointing to me. Everyone turned to looking at me.
"Um, I could try" I said.
Thor sat mjolnir back down on the table.
"Go ahead, Your Majesty" Tony said
I walked over and put my hand around it. With a light pull it came off the table.
"Um, What The Fuck" Tony says
I sat mjolnir back down on the table.
"You guys do know that my parents were a god and goddess." I told them
"I guess you are worthy, S" Thor said
"It doesn't matter if I'm worthy Thor. I can tell that you'll be a great ruler for Asgard." I said
All of a sudden, a sharp loud ringing noise filled the air.
"Argh" I yelled falling to the floor with my hands covering my ears. Tony then turns it off.
"Silver, are you okay?" Steve asked me
"Yeah, I have sensitive ears when it comes to loud sounds" I said
"Worrrr.. thyyy. No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers." A robot says
Shock came over me when I realized that I am a killer. I quickly hid behind Tony as I was shaking to my bones.
"Stark!" Steve says
"Jarvis?" Tony says
"I'm sorry. I was asleep, or I was a dream." The bot says
"We need you here, we've got a buggy suit." Tony said
"There was a terrible noise, and I was tangled in strings. Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." It said
"You killed someone?" Steve asked
"Wouldn't have been my first call, but down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices."
"Who sent you" Thor says
"I see a suit of armor around the world"
"Ultron" Bruce points out.
"In the flesh, or- no, not yet. Not this chrysalis, but I'm ready. I'm on a mission."
"What mission?" I said looking over Tony's shoulders.
"Peace in our time" Ultron says. 
Many robots shoot out of the wall and floor. I summoned my sword Flame and started fighting. I sliced through one of the bots , before another came up from behind me and grabbed my arms knocking my sword onto the floor. A bot came out of the ceiling above me and lanes in front of me. It grabbed my neck and started choking me. I tried to break free but couldn't.
(Steve's POV)
I watched as robots came flying through the walls. I ripped the head off of one of them before turning around. I saw that one robot had taken Silver's arm making her drop her sword. Another robot was choking her. I was running to her when a bright light blinded me.

(Silver's POV)
Struggling trying to breath, I had only one option left. I focus my powers to my hand and then released it. It came out as a bright silver light. The two bots that had me were now taken apart. All of the others were to. I laid on the ground with my eyes closed. I heard someone come running over to me. I opened my eyes to see Tony.
"Are you okay, S?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine just a little tired." I stood up and walked over to pick up my sword.
"That was dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well... You just didn't think it through. You want  to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve. Look at these.." He hold up a half robot "These puppets. There's one path to peace. The Avenger's extinction." Ultron turns his head to me " You there, such a shame you picked the wrong people. You're gonna die with the rest."
I got angry at him and used my power to smash him into a wall.
"Shut up you fucking monster." I said as I rip him apart.
"I had strings, but now I'm free" Ultron said before shutting down.

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