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All nine people were squished into the six-seater Tesla as they made their way to the venue where Sihana was playing. David was driving and occasionally talking straight into the camera that was on his dashboard whilst Jeff sat beside him in the passenger seat. Heath and Zane placed themselves in the two back seats, Todd and Corinna shared a seat and Liza sat behind David in a seat by herself. Natalie and Diana were on the floor of the car; Natalie between the two middle seats and Diana sitting between Heath and Zane, leaning on the middle part of the two seats. 

After Diana had texted her small group chat with Natalie, she was asked to pass her phone around the car so everyone could put in their phone numbers. She wasn't too sure whereabouts her phone was in the car but she was fine with it being gone as she was too focused on talking with everyone. From the point of her coming to David's house to heading to the concert, she had enjoyed their company and she knew that they enjoyed hers. Her phone was on its way coming back to her and she noticed she had several text messages from the group, probably confirming their number and who's was which. When she was given back her phone, she added everyone's names and even some photos. 

"So, just head around the corner and there will be a security guard there." Diana informed them, getting a car pass out of her bag and asking Natalie to pass it to the front as there were several cars trying to get in. Majority of those cars were full of fans and trying to get in backstage but they were turned around just as quick as the drove up. Jeff grabbed the pass as David drove up to the security and handed it out his window. 

The security guard checked the pass and nodded at the person at the gate to let them in. Jeff thanked the man and gave the pass to Natalie who just slid it into Diana's bag. Diana grinned as they found a park and promptly got out of the tesla, thankful for the stretch after sitting down cramped and uncomfortable in the Los Angeles traffic. Once everyone was out, David locked his luxurious bag and they all followed Diana and Natalie to a door where they was another security guard, however, this time Diana knew him and she was let in without saying anything. 

"Si!" Diana called out as she led the group around the maze of hallways. It was like this with any venue an artist played at; they had tens or even hundreds of rooms backstage that were all very hard to find unless you knew what you were doing. Thankfully, the venue Sihana was performing at wasn't as grand as Staple's arena but was bigger than a small, intimate club. "Sihana Grace!" Diana called out once more. The show wasn't starting for another half hour and that was for the opening performer so Sihana shouldn't be too far away. 

"In here! I'm in here!" Diana heard from the green room where artists, band members and their special guests hang out before they perform. Diana grinned and opened the door, holding it for the group to walk in behind her. They all found seats whilst Sihana introduced herself as they piled in one-by-one and hugging Natalie at the end. "There are drinks in the fridge if you'd like, food on the table over there. Help yourselves my lovelies." Sihana explained before smiling at her best friend. Diana looked refreshed and a little bit more glowier after her small day off and Sihana found in pride in this knowing that her best friend had worked so hard with her and for her to get to where she was today.

"Whoa, I did not know homegirl was British!" Zane exclaimed, leaning into his seat with a shocked look upon his face and a can of sprite in his hand with a metal straw hanging out. 

"Me too! You can't hear it through her music!" Todd agreed and was immediately intrigued. Sihana just shared a small giggle and shrugged her shoulders. 

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