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private message

jeff, diana


i miss you


i miss everyone and everything


i miss you more doll

i miss you more than anything

i would kill for another day with you

but you need to go to bed now its late over there


i can't


just try, doll

good night and sleep tight

this year will go faster than you think

group chat

'sugar, spice all things nice'

natalie, kristen, corinna, carly, liza, mariah, erin, diana


it's 3am and my first two weeks here. i cant eat i cant sleep i cant even think half the time

i miss la so much and i just hate it here! all of the girsl hate me because they want my shoots and


i just want to come home


we miss you all a lot, di

trust me when i say it, some people miss you a lot more than us though


i know you, di

you can do this

you never let ANYONE get in the way of something you want so bad and it hurts me to see you like this

at least the contract is only a year and then after that you decide what you want to do


i miss jeff

i just fucking miss him so much

that week with him was breathtaking and he was such a gentleman

he wouldn't even sleep in the same bed as me out of respect like who does that nowadays

like literally every girls dream!


better than me - jeff wittekWhere stories live. Discover now