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"Natalie, how drunk are you?"

"Bitch I'm from Chicago I do what I want."

"But I'm your boss."

"Honey, I'm your boss."

David Dobrik

Vlog # 603 


"This is our friend, Diana." David starts and adds various clips of Diana throughout her vlog life. It started from her first vlog appearance of her tackling Natalie over the couch to her latest of her being goofy at Santa Monica. "She's had a pretty busy year so far from modelling, writing songs with her friend's and dealing with some leaked information. She is one of the most hardworking and giving people I know so I want to give back to her." The next scene showed David in real-time alongside an unfamiliar face and Jeff.

"We want to give back to her." The unfamiliar man spoke. "I'm Lukas, her brother by the way. Thanks for introducing me, David."

"And I am Jeff."

* * *

"So, your sister is a very giving person?" David questioned from behind his camera on his couch. The small space was occupied by the majority of the Vlog Squad, all preparing for the extra special surprise for Diana's birthday. 

"Yeah! She's always been the giving sibling, always jumping to help people whether it be cleaning, cooking, babysitting. She's set up a fund to help our dad get back on track and help our grandmother and bills and everything." Lukas explained to everyone and the camera. Some smiled at his caring sister whilst Jeff just listened in admiration. 

"And she sold her car, sold her house. She's had the ladies of the squad help with that. Diana is living with me at the moment until she can find an apartment that suits her." David explained, turning the camera around to focus on himself before spinning it back around. 

"Yeah, she gave Corinna, Carly, Erin, Liza, Mariah, Natalie and a thousand dollars each for helping out which we were, of course, thankful for but was unnecessary. We told her that we would help her because we wanted to, not for the incentive of money." Kristen clarified, reflecting just weeks ago when they sold her house she shared with Sihana and helped her move in with David and Natalie. 

"So, for her birthday we're doing something extra special for Diana." David turned his camera back around to focus on himself and continued. "And we have the help from our sponsor Seatgeek!"

"Yes baby! Thank you Seatgeek!" Heath yelled from behind the camera causing some laughter. David continued on with his sponsorship speech. The vlog continued with clips of the squad during the week including buying presents and setting the venue up. 

* * *

"Alright, we got the car, we have everything set up. Catering will be arriving soon which means Jonah would have to leave the building because he would eat it all." David joked. 

Jonah, who was munching from a box of Krispy Kremes stopped chewing his food and looked up at the camera as David spoke, giving him a shot of his middle finger before laughing along with the group. David then moved the camera around the room to show where they were and the decorations. 

"We also got celebrity DJ, Dillion Francis!" Jason exclaimed and pointed over at the man as he popped out from behind his DJ table and desk and played around with his equipment before Dancing Queen came on through the speakers.

* * * 


The whole building erupted as Diana finally pulled off her blindfold she had been wearing for the whole car ride with Natalie. No matter how much she bugged her best friend, she just would not budge as to where they were going. In front of Diana were all of her friends and even some famous faces such as A and B list celebrities and YouTubers. Diana just turned around and hid her face as people came up and hugged her and sent her happy wishes before they all went off on their own ways, drinking and having a good time. Looking around the room, there was plenty of food, a cocktail bar and a DJ table as well as a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon sitting off to the side. 

"We know you sold your, dare I say it, crappy car, and you need your own way around to get to jobs and whatnot because paying for transport is expensive. So, I did some digging and found out you love Jeep Wranglers, love going off-road. So here you go, Di." David held out the keys for her to take, recording her expression as she just crossed her arms and shook his head. 

"You're not being serious, are you? You're just going to make me take it back to the car rental place in the morning you cruel bastard." David shook his head and wiggled the keys in front of her eyes. 

"I'm being serious, Di." Diana finally came to her senses and processed what he said. 

"David!" Diana grabbed the keys from his hand and grabbed him in for a hug, her eyes stinging as she forced back the happy tears. "Thank you much! You didn't have to!"

* * *

"Can I please have your attention everyone?" Jeff called out, standing next to Dillon Francis on the stage. He had one more surprise in store for Diana and wanted to make sure everyone could see. "Thank you." Jeff spoke once again as people gathered in the area and watched him. 

"Diana is an incredibly wonderful woman who I love with all my heart very much." People awed at him and David simply yelled out 'Get on with it.' causing some laughter. Jeff only flicked him off. "As I was saying, she's a wonderful person. She is so giving, so loving and she deserves everything in the world. I had no idea what to get her for her birthday, and I still don't. I couldn't get her a car because David stole that idea and I wanted something more special, no offence. So, could Diana's surprise please come out."

Diana looked up at Jeff confused however she had a blush on her face from his words. "What's this surprise?" Diana questioned Natalie and sighed when her best friend wouldn't tell her. The door behind Dillon opened up however from the floor Diana couldn't see. She pushed herself in front of some people before gasping at the sight before her. 

"Dad!" Diana jumped up onto the stage and was engulfed in her father's arms. 

"Yeah yeah, I'm here too, Di." Lukas spoke from beside her. 

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