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group chat

'daddy dobrik'

natalie, david, jason, jeff, diana, kristen, toddy and 8 others


so um i think i have some explaining to do

i didn't want you all to find out about it from a sleazy article

and i think you should hear the real story


hey di you don't owe us anything and don't have to tell us anything

that article doesn't change how you are as a person

alright thats enough of me being sweet for one day


of course we would have all liked to know for you but shit happens you know

i'm just concerned, from a fathers pov, if you're okay


oh of course!

i wanted to tell you all but then we all became friends so fast

and it wasn't like i could blurt out 'hey my dad is in jail'

im just embarrassed a little you know it just sucks


if youre comfortable with telling 

of course we're all very interested in your side of the story


and we never judge


if you need time we'll give you that

if you want to tell them (i already know) we'll listen



let me start

my dad was in the navy and would go on deployments and my mom would stay home and look after lukas and i. our grandmother lived with us too and helped with chores around the house

mom became very sick very quickly; went from appendicitis to breast and ovarian cancer so she took measures to prevent that from happening; a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy. this is all whilst dad is on deployed


holy cow your mom was a boss


honestly i remember it being very hard for her when i was like 13 and just learning everything

like boobs and our ability to bear children is essentially part of our sexuality so she felt like she lost her sexuality you know

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