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It was nearing the end of her short-lived move to New York and though she should be excited, Diana was nervous to go back to Los Angeles. Her friends and family all believed that the reason why she wanted to be back home was because of her support system and she missed everyone there which was absolutely true, but only a handful of people knew about the bullying she was receiving from fellow models. Being a model that rose to the higher ranks so quickly in her career, models who had struggled to get shoots loathed her and wanted to destroy her image to ensure they would have more of a chance to be the face of a brand. Diana knew that modelling was never going to be easy and she knew that from day one but now it was becoming something she wasn't passionate for anymore and that was all because of the girls. The models back in LA were all so supportive and cheered with you on your achievements, they didn't try to bring you down.

As Diana woke up the morning after one of her shoots with luxury brand, Lancome, she had hundreds of notifications on her phone. From Twitter to Instagram and of course the text messages, she was shocked, to say the least. Why she had so many mentions, she didn't know. She sighed to herself as she opened up the first thing she was mentioned in which was a tweet and she proceeded to read it. Her eyes widened as she read the caption over and over again before clicking on the article that was attached. Someone had leaked her private information regarding her family. Diana knew she shouldn't have read the article but she needed to see what people were reading about her. 


by Joana Kingston

I guess we all know by now who Diana Jefferson is and if you don't, you live under a rock. To put it in short, she is a stunning social media influencer turned model that is best friends with singer Sihana Grace and has recently become friends with David Dobrik and his friends known as the 'Vlog Squad'. 

Now, Diana has usually kept her personal life and family life very private however it has come to our attention that there has been some information leaked that we will inform you all about. Diana Jefferson comes from a horrifying past including drug use. Wow, I know right!

Anyways, Diana's (who has a hot older brother that we didn't know about) father is set to be released from prison after serving for 8 years for possession of illegal substances in the result of losing his job as a result of the death of his wife. Not much is known about the whole debacle but all we know is that Diana grew up in a horrifying past and she's got a hot older brother. We'll keep you folks updated if we get any more information. 

_ _ _

Shocked and rather frightened by her information now being public knowledge, Diana sat on her bed with tears in her eyes. She didn't know who had leaked it nor did she know why, but she was scared because of what people would say. More so, she was scared of what her friends would say. Only Natalie and Sihana knew of her past and the real story but she couldn't go through that all again. She didn't want anything to do with her past as it constantly would haunt her in her everyday life. 

Diana read through the bombardment of text messages and didn't even bother to reply before she slid off the bed and huddled to herself, her phone clutched in her hands. She felt more buzzes from people messaging her and just ignored them before the vibration specifically set to Natalie jolted her making Diana look at the text message. She was leaving in a couple of days and she had to face people. 

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my father is a great man that made some terrible decisions in order to do what he believed was right for his children; myself and my brother lukasjson. he loves us undeniably, he calls us when he has time and he taught us how to work our butts off and still does to this day. he listens to us and scolds us when we're bickering. he is a great man and should be known for that, not for the past he has. i am incredibly saddened that people had to find out this way and it is an invasion of my privacy. i lost my mother at an age when i needed her the most to help me with boys and periods and my father showed me nothing but guidance and love even throughout his time inside. this shall not be held against myself, my brother or my father, instead we will resonate that same guidance and love he taught me. as for now, be kind to one another.

34.9k likes | 41.2k comments

user1 how is she so beautifully spoken even tho this happened to her

user2 bitch deserved it

user3 wow, she's just breathtaking

natalinanoel everything aside, i can't wait for conrad to come out he always has the best advice and is like a second dad to me!

user4 how would you know, he's been in jail for 8 years

natalinanoel  ive visited him with diana when her brother couldn't. she's my family 

daviddobrik we're all with you diana.jeffer.son

lukasjson love being told by a buzzfeed writer than im hot

corinnakopf they're right tho lukasjson

user5 omfg rinna flirting I LIVE

zane love you baby

diana.jeffer.son love u2 zane

jeff diana, you are so eloquently spoken and such an inspiration in the way you handled things. much love, doll


user7 DOLL?! oh my lord im hyperventilating

diana.jeffer.son thank you jeff ❤️

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