f i f t e e n

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Five months had passed and the group was closer than ever. Five months had passed since both Jeff and Diana had told their friends of their crush on one another and there had been close encounters. Both Jeff and Diana felt relieved that someone else knew of their crush on one another and it was almost as if a massive weight had been lifted from their shoulders. They were still friends but some things had changed in those five months. There had been more work for Diana and she was becoming more recognised which was great for her career but meant that she spent less time with her friends and more time in studios getting makeup applied and posing in certain ways. Diana was constantly busy with her job and everyone was proud of her, but she hardly had time for herself as she liked to shoot and progress her career further. 

Diana had also posted a video on her YouTube channel, detailing that she would no longer be posting and would be focusing on her career and her life as well as hanging with those she loved when she could. It received a lot of positive feedback which was great and it also meant that she was a lot less stressed about trying to please her viewers, however, her stress now stemmed from an offer she could never refuse; to move to New York and model for IMG there. Diana weighed all of the pros and cons and she still found herself wanting to stay here, but also wanting to chase her dream of furthering her career. Los Angeles had all of her friends and all of her fondest memories, LA had Jeff. New York, however, had a lot more opportunities for Diana. Fashion houses and makeup brands practically beg for Diana to work with them for one shoot and she was being labelled as the fastest-growing new model. It was a great feeling but Diana was very conflicted.  

It had taken a week and a half for Diana to make her final decision and Sihana and Natalie were very supportive of their friend. They both encouraged her to do what is best for her mentality and her health. Of course, both friends would love for Diana to stay home but if it's New York she wants, then she should go. The two girls were the only ones who knew of the offer and of Diana's answer. It had taken a long time for Diana to consider absolutely everything but it was something she believed she needed to do. She needed to move to New York. 

The day had come and Diana was nervous to see what was waiting for her in New York. Sihana and Natalie helped Diana pack days previously, stuffing her clothes, shoes and makeup into three suitcases and fitting them into Natalie's car. Diana had a backpack full of her essential items such as her electronics, some basic facial items and a book to keep her entertained until she landed in a new state and in a new home. Diana had said goodbye to some members of the group and saw them in person before leaving but she didn't hear from Jeff, not even a text message or a read receipt. Natalie and Sihana knew that Diana was pretty much in love with Jeff and hurting because of it but they said nothing as they got into the car and made their way en route to the airport. They wanted to take as long as possible to ensure they got more time with their best friend before sending her on her way but airports had deadlines. 

Diana was growing nervous in the backseat of the car, her thoughts wandering to all the 'what if's' regarding Jeff and staying in Los Angeles but she had to keep her head up. IMG New York was more than happy to have Diana come to them and already had several shoots ready for when she arrived and settled into New York but still, Diana couldn't help thinking she had made the wrong decision. Sighing to herself, she looked out the window as they were nearing the airport and the entrance where Natalie and Sihana would drop her off. Natalie turned off her car and got out, going to the trunk to grab Diana's belongings and Diana took one last look around her and exited, following Natalie and Sihana. 

"We're going to miss you big time, Di." Sihana spoke, grabbing Diana by her shoulders and pulling her in for a hug. It was nothing like Jeff's but it meant so much to Diana. "I'll call you when I need help for a song." Sihana joked whilst Diana let out a chuckle and a tear that rolled down her cheeks. 

"I'll come to visit when I can and I'll keep you updated about everyone. You're still in the group chat though and don't be a stranger. Fuck me, I'm going to cry now." Diana laughed dryly as the tears began to fall a little heavier now. Natalie sighed and buried her head into Diana's neck trying her best to hold back her tears. 

"I need to go now." Diana said, pulling away and grabbing a trolley for all of her bags. The girls helped Diana pile them on and hugged her one last time before they stood there in silence. Diana bid them one more goodbye as she started to push her trolley towards the doors into LAX. Diana kept her head some, hearing some whispers from people who knew her or have seen her face somewhere, presumably in some of her modelling campaigns. It was hard, leaving her friends behind, but she was an adult now and she needed to start doing things by herself and for herself now. 

Diana heard some tires screech outside but ignored them as she joined the short line to check in her bags. She smiled at the lady behind the desk as she loaded the bags on one by one. 

"Business or pleasure?" The brunette lady questioned as she checked for identification and let the bags go through. 

"Business." Diana spoke bluntly, smiling at the lady one last time as she handed over her passport and boarding pass. She directed on where Diana needed to go to get to her gate and Diana nodded, turning from the desk and to follow the signs and directions that the lady gave her. A couple of hours and she would be in New York, her new home. 


"Hey, do you come here often?" Diana jumped as she sat with her back against a wall in a seat at her gate. She was buried in a book and didn't even notice someone sit in the seat next to her on the row behind her row of seats. She looked up and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion upon seeing an all too familiar face. 

"Jeff?" Diana moved her body so she was giving him her full attention. He wore a large smile on his face and looked rather relaxed with no hat, letting his hair fall free. "What are you doing here? How did you get past security?" Diana questioned, looking around her and noting that the seats at her gate were very empty. 

"I got past as any other passenger would, legally. We're going to New York." Jeff spoke as if it was a normal conversation but Diana was just super confused. Jeff got more comfortable in his seat and moved the bag he owned from the floor and onto an empty seat in front of him. 

"What? I don't get it." Diana closed her book and placed it in her bag before looking back up to Jeff. 

"Oh my god, doll, you haven't seen those romance movies? I'm here confessing my feelings to you while you move halfway across the country and hope you move back to LA, which you won't, so I buy myself a ticket and spend an unbelievable week with you in New York which we think about for months, maybe even years from now about what a great time we had. I'll then go back to LA and try and get over you whilst you model for Victoria Secret, maybe even become an Angel and meet a male model or a big-time actor and fall in love but we still shared this beautiful week in New York with one another." Diana was shocked, to say the least. A man would do something like this for her? 

"Of course I've seen those movies, Wittek, you've watched them with me." Diana spoke, a blush on her face. "But, why?" Diana asked, looking up at Jeff and into his eyes. 

"Why not? I like you, a lot actually and I want us to spend one week with each other so we don't keep asking ourselves what if? So doll, is it a plan?" Jeff asked, looking at Diana as she pondered for a moment. Her heart was racing and she couldn't believe that Jeff planned this for her, to spend one week with her in the city that never sleeps. 

"Don't fall in love, Wittek." Diana smiled brightly. 

"Likewise doll."

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