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Diana was back and feeling more refreshed than ever. It had been a very long week since the incident with Trisha and Diana was really happy with how she dealt with things and how she didn't let it affect her as much as it would have a couple of years back. Diana was a grown woman that had learned that these comments that people make about her are not true nor will they ever be true and it was just a statement from their own insecurity. Her body and her looks had always been a tough subject for Diana when she was in high school and even college; people would comment on it constantly especially about her eating habits, which caused her to become very conscious of her caloric intake, the foods she was eating. She grew obsessive and both Sihana and Natalie had to help her get out of that habit. It was hard for the two girls as they had to focus on their own studies and careers as well as looking after their friend. Diana owed the two girls a lot for all their love and support and there was no way she could ever return the favour. 

Diana had a very busy week during her break from the group chat and social media. She worked out a lot, keeping Natalie and Jeff in the loop as they seemed to be the ones that wanted to have an update. Diana knew they would be telling the rest of the group to ease their minds though. She had her first day modelling professionally and she had signed a contract with two brands already that were very well known. She had not told anyone, however, as she wanted to surprise everyone. Diana was so very proud of coming so far in such a short amount of time and she guessed she was doing something right, for once. 

Among all of her work and busying herself with small tasks around the house, her mind constantly drifted away from her task and to a certain someone. Mr Jeff Wittek could not leave her mind and it was slowly consuming her whole body. Everyday she had to battle thoughts of him out of her head to focus, even at work, she thought of him. They were becoming even closer as friends which were torturing her as she had a crush on him. The girls in the group all knew about her crush and thought it was rather cute but she would never tell them that she liked him. Wait, did she like him? Oh god, she didn't even know for herself. Perhaps she liked the thought of liking him or maybe it was because he gave her attention and was an actual gentleman.

"Final pose, uh yes that's the look! Gorgeous Diana." Diana blew a kiss into the camera as she posed beside her one of her modelling friends, Josephine, for a line of lingerie for Victoria's Secret. The photographer, Lukas, was yelling out prompts for the girls all morning, getting the best shots he could possibly get for the campaign. 

"Absolutely wonderful ladies." Lukas complimented as they finally finished photographing them. Diana grabbed her robe and wrapped it around her body as she was feeling a bit cold and walked to where the monitors were, smiling at some of the photos she could see. "You're a natural, Jefferson," Lukas said once more making the girl blush and thank him. He scrolled through some of his favourites photos of just Diana, just of Josephine and of the two together. 

"It's a wrap! We'll send these off and let you know when we get them back. Now go home and rest up. Diana, you have another shoot Thursday at Santa Monica pier. I'll text you the details later." Jeremy spoke as he sat in his chair, overlooking the shoot and making notes for the girls and their portfolios. Today was Tuesday so it gave the rest of the day and Wednesday off for Diana to just relax. She nodded and followed her blonde haired colleague to the dressing rooms where she proceeded to get dressed into her streetwear, leaving on the lingerie underneath as it was now hers. Perks of modelling. 

"See you later, Di." Josephine spoke as she finished getting ready, wearing a maxi dress and sandals. Diana said a quick goodbye before fixing her hair and then placing her shoes on. She gave herself one final look in the mirror before grabbing her personal belongings and left. Diana headed towards the elevator and once in she headed for the garage where her car was parked. At least she didn't have to pay for parking or for an uber. The money she was saving from it all would just go to putting petrol in her car. It felt weird driving her car after travelling via planes and taxis for so long but it felt great to behind the wheel again. 

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