Natrual maternal instincts

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A/n (for the sake of plot, I'm gonna have to take main attention off of Thana bonding with the pillar men.)

Third person POV

Nightfall had came. Thana awoke to Esidisi tapping her. She realized she had fallen asleep on Santana. He was also sleep. "Santana wake up." Esidisi said as soon as Thana stood on her feet.

Santana began to stand on his feet. "Is it time to leave?"

"Yes..." Esidisi began. "About earlier... What Kars said... He didn't mean that, he was stressed out."

Santana sighed "Not that it matters to me but, with all do respect master, you keep telling us what Kars means and doesn't mean, but he never says this. If he is sincere about it why won't he say any of this?"

Thana was impressed with Santana. He was finally expressing how he felt. Esidisi was also surprised. "Would you believe Kars isn't a people person? Before you and Wamuu were born, He's what humans would call socially awkward. He wasn't shy and he wasn't afraid of anyone, he just didn't see the need in communication he stayed to himself studying ever since he was a child. It was a miracle that we even became friends. He would rarely speak to me and when he did he had a hard time expressing himself. He over came that by either saying all that is on his mind or lying. I think as of right now Kars doesn't want to say what's on his mind for... Prideful reasons."

Thana thought that was a shitty reason to say such things about someone, but Santana felt like he related to him. He felt like he didn't need to speak to others until recently. "Maybe... I can talk to him?"

Thana and Esidisi looked at Santana as if he had lost his mind. "That most likely won't work." Esidisi says.

"I know." Santana stands and walks outside. There he saw Wamuu walking off somewhere. He was probably looking for something to feed on. Kars walked around the corner of the building, a shadow casted across his face. He walked straight to Santana.

"You need to speak to me?" He questioned. "I could hear your conversation."

"Yes." Santana didn't know where to began. "...Are you ok?"

"You want to know if I'm ok? What does it matter?"

"I don't care if you see me as just warrior, but as someone serving you, it's my job to make sure you're well...Your daughter has taught me things about speaking about feelings. She said keeping your feelings inside is bad for your mental health."

"Is that so? Well if you must know... I raised you and Wamuu. I could never actually think so lowly of you. You are like sons to me. I may have raised you but I didn't even raise my own child. So I feel as though I should put more effort into keeping her safe. I know it wasn't Wamuu's fault... But if he failed it's like I failed. Imagine if I hadn't came? Both Thana and Wamuu would be gone. If I hurt you by saying that I apologized."

"It is fine. My Lord."

Kars stuck his hand out. Santana tilted his head in confusion. "It's a hand shake. Humans do it."

Santana violently shakes his arm. "Am I doing it correctly?"

Kars chuckles. "No. Not at all."

Esidisi and Thana peak out the window and watch to two. "See? you can solve your problems without yelling." Esidisi says smugly to Thana. The girl turns away and mumbles angrily. "Mumbling included."

"Yeah, whatever 'mom'."

On the edge of the woods a group of men stood around the supposed creature that was "killed"

"M-master... I tried my hardest... I-" He began.

"You didn't try!" A booming voice said. "You played with your food instead of doing what you were asked. I told you to bring me the girl but you wanted to "flirt", taunt and toy with her." The owner of the voice walked over to the male. "You failed, and if you fail, I fail. I know What'll happen to me if I fail, but you don't seem to understand... I'll make you understand."

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