Never trust the elderly

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Lyra POV

What do I do? What am I supposed to do?... What do I want to do?

I'm supposed to deliver Thana and the Pillar men to the lab and betray them.

I want to lie to them and take them on a different route so they'll be safe.

What should I do, is the real question.

I love my masters, but Thana and Kars might be my family, and Esidisi, Wamuu and Santana are my friends.

We were continuing up north and I made up my mind.

I know what I'm gonna do. But to be sure, I need to make a phone call.

I asked the group if I could stop somewhere. I found a phone booth and called. I was surprised when someone answered.

"Hello?" A voice answered.

"Master L! Its me. Lyra!" I say happily.

"Lyra? Thank goodness you're alright. Are you at the lab now?"

"No... That's what I wanted to talk to you about... Master G told me that I was gonna be a back up for the last guy before we even went to New Jersey. He gave me all my instructions. And he told me to convince Vera and the others to help us. Two others visited me resently and told me that wasn't what I supposed to do..."

"Ah... I see. G did all this on his own I didn't even know you had left until someone else told me. But that isn't true. G lied to you so it would be more believable."

'What?' "I don't under-"

"Well now that you know, it shouldn't be a problem. I know you. You're a very loveable person. I'm sure they trust you enough. Make sure to call G when you get to the lab." 'This can't be right.' "Well I'll leave you to it."



"One more thing. How did G know that Thana would understand Creole?"

"Simple. He met her when he was alive."

Thana POV

"Why is my Papa so manly, yet he wears make up? I don't get it. How are you so masculine yet so feminine at the same time?" I ask myself. No one was paying attention to me and I was trying to be annoying and stupid so people would acknowledge me. Didn't work, and I have to say, I'm very disappointed.

"I kid you not. He turns himself into a pickle and calls himself pickle Rick." Kars says to Esidisi.

"Remarkable." Esidisi replies.

'So he can say stupid shit and get attention???? Well now I'm sad.'


"AHHHH!?" I scream only to see Santana. "Oh it's you. Don't sneak up on me. What are you a Ninja?"

"I was hear the whole time."

"Yeah. I'm a big goof. Thanks for finding this random yet convenient abandon house, by the way"

"I have to talk to you, because I don't want you to get crushed."

"Ki sa ki lanfè a?" (What the hell?)

"I don't know what that means, but you can't find out if Wamuu wants to be your mate too"

"...Did you know Pluto has an atmosphere in the spring?"


"And that it has ice volcanoes?"

"Thana this is serious. I heard if you have a crush and the person you are attracted to doesn't feel the same way, they get crushed."

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