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Hello everyone! Unfortunately, you may have noticed I have been extremely inactive on Wattpad for the past two months. I'm pretty sure I've said a similar thing at the end of the past few chapters, but I wanted to post a proper explanation and apology for disappearing.

Basically, from about half way through May until June I had some pretty important exams (GCSEs), and was revising a lot (like 8 hours on the weekend a lot) so I decided to take a break from writing on Wattpad. After my exams, I've still been busy, but I had kinda fallen out of my writing "routine" I guess and had lost all my motivation, and since, I have been travelling and haven't had time to write!

I'm just starting to get back into writing now, and although I have a very busy summer planned ahead of me, I am going to start to try to update relatively regularly again! I am only going to post this on this book as it is what I would consider my main book, and is the only one with a storyline longer than a few chapters, but I should hopefully be updating the other two imagines books too.

I didn't mean for this message to be so long, but I felt you guys deserved a proper explanation. If you are enjoying this book, do add it to your library so you get notified for updates, and I don't want to go all "self promo" on you guys but if you are enjoying it, maybe vote or leave a comment if you want? I hate to ask it, but it really does motivate me to see people enjoying my book! :)

See you in chapter 21!
~dawn <3

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