Chapter 13

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Saturday; 2:38 a.m.

Umm, hey?
2:38 a.m.

How do you feel?
2:38 a.m.

Have you eaten?
2:38 a.m.

Are you hydrated?
2:38 a.m.

Alexander, are
you drunk?
2:39 a.m.

why would you
think that.
2:39 a.m.

I just guessed.
2:39 a.m.

So I guess the
party isn't that bad?
2:39 a.m.

Oh it is.
2:39 a.m.

There were people and
they said I should drink
something. Even my siblings
said that.
2:40 a.m.

So you did?
2:40 a.m.

How much?
2:40 a.m.

Idk, two drinks.
2:40 a.m.

Okay maybe four.
2:40 a.m.

Oh god.
2:41 a.m.

Where are
your sibling?
2:41 a.m.

Um, I don't
know honestly.
2:41 a.m.

I'm sad.
2:41 a.m.

2:42 a.m.

What if they
just left me?
2:42 a.m.

They wouldn't,
2:42 a.m.

Are you sure?
2:42 a.m.

Yes I am.
2:42 a.m.

Just search
for them.
2:43 a.m.

Tell them they should
bring you home.
2:43 a.m.

What if I don't
want to go home?
2:43 a.m.

Do you?
2:43 a.m.

2:43 a.m.

So, search for them.
2:43 a.m.

Why can't you
just pick me up?
2:43 a.m.

I want milk.
2:43 a.m.

Because it's too far
away, darling.
2:43 a.m.

And why the hell do
you want milk now?
2:44 a.m.

I just want milk.
2:44 a.m.

Is that a problem?
2:44 a.m.

Nope, I was just asking.
2:44 a.m.

I have a headache.
2:44 a.m.

and I'm sad.
2:44 a.m.

You better find
your siblings.
2:45 a.m.

2:45 a.m.

2:47 a.m.

Yeah, I'm still here.
2:47 a.m.

Can I ask you
2:47 a.m.

Sure, go for it.
2:47 a.m.

Do you like me?
2:48 a.m.

Of course I do.
2:48 a.m.

2:48 a.m.

What do you mean?
2:48 a.m.

There aren't a lot of
people that like me.
2:48 a.m.

And you don't have
to talk to me. You could
just block me.
2:49 a.m.

But still you keep
messaging me.
2:49 a.m.

2:49 a.m.

Because you're
2:49 a.m.

You are friendly and it's
really nice talking to you.
2:49 a.m.

Are you just trying
to be nice?
2:50 a.m.

No, Alexander.
2:50 a.m

I like you too,
2:50 a.m

I really do.
2:50 a.m

You understand me even
if I don't understand myself.
2:50 a.m

I'm glad to hear
that, Alexander.
2:51 a.m

Did you find your siblings?
2:55 a.m

2:57 a.m

Are you okay?
2:59 a.m

3:01 a.m

Yes, Jace is taking
me home.
3:01 a.m

Oh god. Luckily.
3:01 a.m

I'm tired.
3:01 a.m

and sad.
3:02 a.m

and I still
want milk.
3:01 a.m

You can drink as much
milk as you want but
3:01 a.m

3:02 a.m

You will thank me.
3:02 a.m

Are you at home?
3:10 a.m

3:10 a.m

You should sleep.
3:10 a.m

Good night.
3:10 a.m

Good night,
Magnus :)
3:11 a.m

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