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soobin: "It worked, right?"

y/n: (sighs) "It did."

soobin: "See? Your mile time improved by a whole minute. Next week, let's try two minutes."

y/n: "Are you trying to kill me?"

soobin: "If by kill you mean enhance, then yes."

y/n: (laughs)

soobin: "Finally."

y/n: "Finally what?"

soobin: "I made you laugh."

y/n: "I laugh."

soobin: "It's nice to hear."

y/n: "Thanks."

soobin: "Next week, we'll try that trick again."

y/n: "Okay."

soobin: "It works on everyone. I tried it with my girlfriend over the summer and it worked like a charm."

y/n: ".............your girlfriend?"

soobin: "Yep. It helped her run faster."

hueningkai: "I am here, everyone! Now the party can start. Boba time!"

soobin: "Woohoo!" 

y/n: "Actually, I can't go."

hueningkai: "What? I thought said--"

y/n: "My mom texted me earlier, she wants me home. You know how she is."

hueningkai: "Oh. I mean,okay, maybe next time."

y/n: "Next time. Bye."

hueningkai: "Bye." 

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