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hueningkai: "I can't believe Austin can't tell it's Sam. Like, is he dense or what?"

y/n: "Shh! They're talking now! This is my favorite part." 

hueningkai: "Oh god, here we go. Fine, I'll be the director. Action!" 

soobin: (clears throat) "Well, how about we play 20 questions?"

hueningkai: "Soobin, I don't believe you. Don't look at the subtitles, look at [y/n] instead." 

soobin: "Fine." 

y/n: (clears throat) "How about 10?"

soobin: "I'll take what I can get. Okay, first question: you do actually go to North Valley High School, right?" 

y/n: "Of course." 

hueningkai: "You guys are scary good at this."

y/n: (laughs) 

soobin: "Look, I'm just checking. I mean, you never know with the Internet. Okay, next question. Were you disappointed when you found out that I was Nomad? Be honest." 

y/n: "Surprisingly no." 

soobin: "Did you vote for me for Student Body President?"

y/n: "Surprisingly yes."

soobin: "Really?"

hueningkai: "You guys are really good at this. Okay, keep going!" 

soobin: "Okay, I got it: given the choice, would you rather have a rice cake or a Big Mac?"

y/n: "A Bic Mac."

hueningkai: "She's not kidding, too. [y/n] can eat."

soobin: (laughs)

y/n: "But what does that matter?" 

soobin: "Well, I like a girl with a hearty appetite. And besides, you just eliminated about half of the girls in our class." (clears throat) "You'd think I'd remember those eyes. You're so beautiful."

y/n: (silence)

hueningkai: "Hey, you missed your cue! What happened?"

y/n: "Um, I'm thirsty. Can you pause the film?"

hueningkai: "Sure." 

(phone rings) 

hueningkai: "Who's that?"

soobin: "My girlfriend." (answers video chat) "Hey!" 

girlfriend: "Bin Bin!" 

hueningkai: (whispers) "Bin Bin?"

girlfriend: "Just calling to say good night."

soobin: "I know. Good night!"

girlfriend: "Hey, where are you?"

soobin: "I'm at a friend's house."

hueningkai: "Hello!"

girlfriend: "Oh, hello!" (laughs) "Nice to meet you. You have a nice house."

hueningkai: "Actually, this isn't my place." 

girlfriend: "Oh, then who's--"

y/n: "Okay, I'm back." 


girlfriend: "Hello."

y/n: "Hi."

girlfriend: "So this must be your place?"

y/n: "Um, yes."

girlfriend: "Cool. You have a nice place."

y/n: "Thank you."

girlfriend: "You weren't kidding when you said you made friends, were you Bin Bin?"

soobin: "I wasn't."

girlfriend: (laughs) "Alright, well have fun, okay? Get home safe."

soobin: "Thanks. Good night."

girlfriend: "I--"

(call ended)

soobin: "Oh crap, I lost connection."

hueningkai: "So did I."

y/n's dad: "Honey, sorry, I had to reset the Wi-Fi!"

y/n: "It's okay, Dad!" (sighs) "Okay, well, it's getting late. We'll pick up the movie again another time."

hueningkai: "You two should become actors or something. You're so good at memorizing lines! Well, almost good. [y/n], you just blanked."

y/n: "Right. It happens."

hueningkai: "See, Soobin, isn't movie night great?"

soobin: "It is." (laughs) "Thanks for inviting me, really."

hueningkai: "Thanks for coming."

soobin: "Thanks again, [y/n]."

y/n: "O-of course."

soobin: "Well..."

y/n: "Well..."

hueningkai: "Well, Soobin and I will head out now."

y/n: "Right. See you later."

soobin: "See you later."

y/n: "Bye."

soobin: "Bye." 

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