tom ↗️ and tord 🇳🇴

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Tom ↗️ couldn't understand Tord 🇳🇴. He 💁‍♂️ was explosive 🧨 and bi-polar. But something, he didn't know what made Tom ↗️ love 💗 Tord 🇳🇴. Tom ↗️ hated 💢 it.

Tord 🇳🇴 was sitting 💺on the couch 🛋. Tom ↗️ walked up to him 🧒, and sat 💺 next to him 🧒.

"Oh, hi 👋 Tom ↗️." Tord 🇳🇴 said 💬. Tom ↗️ was immediately mad 💢.

"You 🇳🇴 are so annoying 😒!" Tord 🇳🇴 was confused ❓. What did he 🧒 ever do to Tom ↗️?

"What ❓? Why are you ↗️ upset 💢?"

"How can you 🇳🇴 just sit 💺there, and still be cute 💕?! You're 🇳🇴 not 🚫 even doing anything, and yet, you're 🇳🇴adorable 💕💕." Tord blushed 😳. Is that how Tom ↗️ felt?

"I 👁, uh.. think you're ↗️ cute too 2️⃣." Tom smiled 🙂. He scooted 🛴 closer to Tord 🇳🇴. He wrapped his arms 💪around Tord 🇳🇴.

"You're 🇳🇴 not 🚫 moving for another hour 🕑 or two 2️⃣." Tord 🇳🇴 nodded, sighing.

"I 👁 know."

(Short story but idc)

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