part one

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My name is Gwen . I am 16 and I'm 5"5 I have waist length black hair and forest green eyes.

I grew up from the age of five on my own my parents were druggies and alcoholics so I never really new much about them. Sadly I never will or wanted to. They died when I was 5 which explains me being on my own.

I live on the streets of Grantham(a small town in England) there isn't much forest but if there was I would go and live there but for now it's a place I take refuge from all the drinkers on the streets at night.

I wish I was safe so I wouldn't have to run and hide from people all the time.

Grantham is run by a gang called blood moon. They are ruthless and anyone who is homeless is often killed Infront of anyone.

The gang leader no one knows who he is or what he looks like so it interests lots of people.

Although they are interested I am not I'm scared of them finding me because as I've said it would be a death sentence and I'm too young to die.

Right now it's about 3pm and people start to get drunk around 4 and I don't want to get caught up in that mess so I begin the long journey to the woods where I'll stay for the night.

I feel people staring at me but ill ignore it. It can't be anything serious right ...?

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