Chapter 13 -.-

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Daddy was whisper shouting into the phone he was really angry I've never seen him so red.
I wanted to help so I went to make him a drink however on my way to the kitchen someone knocked on the door.
Daddy told me to never answer the door unless he was with me but he was busy so I thought no harm would come from it .

I walked to the door and opened it slowly but within seconds a cloth was over my mouth and darkness welcomed me....

(Daddy's POV)
I finished my call. The rival gang want to go to war and they threatened my littles life.
I left the room that I was in taking in the slightly open door which I'm sure I closed I opened it more and walked to where my princess was sleeping but she wasn't there I then checked everywhere and that's when panic set in I walked to the front of the house and felt a breeze.
I looked up to see the door open and a cloth next to my angles shoe .

Something's wrong....!
I pulled out my phone called all my gang members and told them we're going to war and to find my little at all costs.
I knew who did this.... they wanted war and now...
They are gonna get it.

Unknown POV

His sickening grin scared me so much I didn't want to go near him or his little the loud bang of his fist connecting with a wall made me jump he's angry possibly even beyond angry.
I collected myself making sure all evidence of me being there was gone as I looked at him once more and ran to the place I was stationed to see a young unconscious girl in a mans arms she looked like me in some ways it was creepy but I do what I was told to do and go to my room and pack everything thinking about the girl and her boyfriend and what the gangs are planning...

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