Part 7

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The bright orange beams spears through my pastel pink curtains as my eyes opened slowly. I rose up slowly still groggy from the sleep and pulled my self up by the bars of the crib, I feel littler then normal and just start crying .

The normal loud footsteps that even after how long I've been here I have some how become accustomed to expecting them like my comfort blanket. Before I have even realised what's going on I'm in the arms of my daddy I calm down and relax as he takes me over to the changing table.

I really didn't want to be put on the cold surface of the changing table so I tightened my grip on daddy and start crying again; he began rocking me and rubbing my back and I calmed down letting him have just enough time to put me down.

He changed me quickly and put me in a baby onesie that had loads of little or baby stuff on it and a cute little pink pastel skirt with white fluffy knee high socks, he then sat me on the floor as he sat on the edge of my crib and braided my hair and putting a princess crown on. I loves it.

Then he again picked me up and started carrying me down stairs for breakfast , I started to feel really bad because he's carrying me everywhere and I must be heavy so I tried to push myself out of his comforting arms before I new it though tears were falling from my eyes because I fell and hurt my arm.
The panic that flooded his eyes in that moment made me cry more and feel worse I don't know why but I trust him and I shouldn't I barely know him but something about him caring for me and showing me what love feels like makes me just slip and want me to be completely dependent on him .
Because of my consistent thoughts of wanting to be even more dependent I slipped completely now that it feels like I'm separated from my body like I'm watching what's going on but I love it so so so much as he picks me up and rocks me till I'm just sniffling and cradling my wrist.
He must of noticed because the next thing I know were in the car on are way to somewhere unknown .

Almost...almost like an adventure.
I giggle loudly and look out my window now excited for when we stop .

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