Part 8

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The drive wasn't very long and after I pulled my self from my imagination I noticed we were at the hospital.
A smirk made its way on my face and I started crying and screaming and kicking. Every time daddy went to pick me up i kicked him where ever I could not being able to see due to the tears I kicked the wrong place and before I new it I was over his lap.

My tears instantly stopped when I realised what he was gonna do and more tears began to fall I tried to get of his lap but he wasn't having it , he grabbed my wrists and held them and my back as he pulled my diaper down and spanked me harshly.
It hurt so much he kept hitting harder and harder each time and my cries soon turned to screams and sobs as he carried on.

After what felt like an hour that was most likely a few minuets he stopped pulling my diaper up and sitting me on his lap.
He hugged me tightly and whispered sweet nothings in my ear telling me how much of a good girl I am for taking my punishment so well and how he didn't want to do it but hitting daddy was a bad thing to do and I was bad .
"I'm sowwy dada " I whispered with a broken voice as he held me tighter ( if that's even possible ) .
"It's ok baby girl it's ok. Now let's get you in the hospital and get that wrist checked hmm?"  He said softly.

I melted into his embrace and nodded as he picked me up and carried me in.

(  a/n sowwy for all dah time skips)

After what felt like hours in the hospital we found out I sprained my wrist ; they splinted it and we were free to leave.
I is happy bout dat cuss hospitals are mean.
When me and daddy got home he made us dinner and because it was late and I hadn't had a bath since I got here daddy wanted me to bathe hummphhh as he ran the water adding lots of bubbles and toys he got me undressed and checked the water before putting me in.
Well trying I refused to let go .
He huffed and pulled my hands of him he stripped down to his boxers and climbed in the bath behind me and as I played he washed my hair and body then his own whilst he got out and changed and stuffs he let me play with all the toys in the bath and when he came back I was yawning and practically falling asleep so with that h did my nesessities putting me in a diaper and a onesie that was pink and fluffy and had a good with unicorn horn ears and stuff and put me to bed with my paci.

Before he left he kissed my forehead and said goodnight making me blushy and warm inside .
I babbled my response and he left leaving my night light on and my crib bars up so I wouldn't hurt myself.

( A/N

I am cuwwently weawy regressed su I apoligizeda if dere ish man mistakes an wishes pease be pashent tanks oo 😊)

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