Part 17 i think ^^^

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I woke up the next day before daddy and the doctor said I could leave as long as super dooper careful and so with that informationsss I did what I do best

I scream at the top of my lungs until my daddy falls into the floor and looks up at me with the tiered look and have me that stern look.

I couldn't hold it I laughed so hard tears were falling it was just so so funny 😂
He got up and tickled me then I told him the news and he wanted to leave as soon as we could.

He rushed round the room like the flash and we left within minutes.

Him obviously carrying me!

I couldn't stop smiling I can't wait to get home and cuddle daddyy whilst watching movies and having a stuffie cuddle party .

The drive took forever and  he didn't even take me home I'm so confused so I look to him and he points to a shop ahead of us

I couldn't help my self as soon as he pointed I squealed and bounced in my seat.

He came round picked me up and carried me in. We looked around for what felt
Like hours until I saw this white bunny with a yellow bow and poked daddy's face and pointed to it.

He took me to it picked it up
And handed it to me and we went to pay

There was a youngish girl working there and as soon as he's paid and received a receipt I noticed a phone number .

I thought that bitch was sketchy (excuse the language ÙwÚ)
I plucked the receipt out of his hand and gave her a death glare ripping it up in-front of her whilst daddy just laughed.

After that we went home and I finally got the cuddels I wanted with my amazing stuffie called bunny ( kinda ironic)


This stuffie is actually mine and I just felt really happy so if it seems rushed is cuss I'm happy and excited 😊

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