Chapter 16

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Everything is black, my eyes feel weighted and I'm unable to open them, I feel so trapped and what's worse is it's in my mind.
Everything is coming for me ;my past ,my present and I can not handle it .
It's torturous I want to be out and free.
Kicking and screaming doesn't keep anything away from me they always win and they cut deeper and deeper each time and sometimes opening old wounds.
My past is the worst part the constant beating and the drunk father my mother left me with when I was a baby to me being on the streets and hidden away in the forest and if I ever got caught or stole I'd be beaten .
The scars on my body show so much and they'll never leave.

I want out of my mind but I'm just trapped.

Why can't I wake up? Why do I feel cold and empty?
My mind is like I'm diving deeper and deeper into the sea knowing I won't be aloud air.
My own mind is killing me whilst I'm meant to be healing.
I want the comfort of my daddy and the love he gave me.
Is that to much to ask?

I can't take this anymore I push all my energy to open my eyes and eventually they do the bright light of a hospital room blind me and my hand is being held tightly with tears falling on it.
I sob...I sob and cry and I'm instantly engulfed in a hug but I can't speak yet my energy is rapidly decreasing.
My daddy calls in a doctor and he does all his necessary checks before saying I need to rest and leaves the room .

I drink some cold water treasuring the feeling before laying down with my love and cuddling with him as we finally sleep peacefully...

Ok so we have world book day on Thursday and I'm thinking as going as my own character from this book (the girl forgot her name UwU ) should I do it ?
Also sorry my chapters are short but I literally have no idea what I'm doing in this book.

Thank yall for the reads votes and comments they help greatly I love yall so much for making me smile
I'm still going through some really difficult times so sometimes the chapters may seem deep or dark 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyways leave your comments still and let me know if me going as my own character is a good idea and if so what should I do obviously being as she is a little also the outfit is literally genes and a tank top and bruises as make up to look like an actual character

Thanks for reading


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