Part 9

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It's been over a week and the day after the hospital , I really upset daddy. He hes looked after me but that's all he's stopped calling me pet names and he really doesn't come unless he has to . that night I had my worst ever punishment and my butt and thighs are covered in bruises and cuts from the belt and Caine .
I've cried none stop for this week I won't eat or drink and no matter how much I say sorry it seems it doesn't matter.
Serenity's thoughts 💭

Nothing matters. Not me. How I feel . My needs, nothing. I'm such a disappointment. Why couldn't I be better?
Why couldn't I be a good little that follows the rules and what's best for me because that's what daddy's meant to know . What's best for me .

(Back to normal )
I cruel towards the bathroom, I never told daddy this but when he was busy at work I got a few blades and hid them . It's been a while since I've done this but I want to feel again .

I pulled the blade down my arms I jets dragging the blade over my skin. Deeper and deeper longer and longer all in different places . The pain was unbearable but as the cold blood traveled down my arms and the rest of my body I felt peaceful like it was ok to let go and before I knew it dark spots clouded my vision more then the tears and I was gone...


I couldn't hear her anymore like I could all week her cry's were silent , I know what I did to her was wrong the isolation but she really hurt me she basically cheated on me but I love her to much to leave her .

Not hearing her cry really worried me and my gut churned is isolated her all week and I'm so stupid for it. I got up my stomach feeling worse and made my way to her room. As I went in I saw no sign of her but the pungent smell of blood hit me it was so strong and I almost threw up , I noticed the bathroom door was unlocked and ran to it.
My heart broke and tears fell quickly from my eyes I ran to her unconscious form with blood all around her and so many cuts . So many. I hurt my baby more then she hurt me . I held her close to me ignoring the blood and called an ambulance.
When they got to us and got her in the ambulance she was so pale, paler then a ghost . I was loosing her I can't handle that. I pulled at my hair crying and screaming for her to hang on and that I love her but she couldn't hear me .

The drive felt like hours but in reality was quite short when they took her away to operate and put a transfusion I fell to the floor curled up against the wall pulling at my hair hoping she'll make it.

What have I done ?
I knew she had scars and I knew what she'd done but I didn't think that... that this would happen I shouldn't have isolated her I'm so stupid.

I love you . With that I sat there crying fo hours until a doctor called my name....
I'm sorry for the gruesomeness but ye it's kinda personal not gonna lie but it has a sad ending I'm sorry that your left on a cliff hanger I don't know when I'll next update it may be soon so keep your notifications on 😣😣🙂

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