Chapter 4

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Adym turns to see his mom parking her car and getting ready to come over.

"What the fuck" Adym says under his breath

I quickly get out of Adym's arms and keep walking with the girls.

"What- dont you wanna-" Ariel begins

"Nope go go go" I push them to keep walking, "Our parents don't know we're dating.."

"Adym Yorba get over here" she demands while walking towards him

Adym sighs and walks over to his mom while the boys stand there, not knowing whether to follow him or not.

"Come on" Adym murmurs

The boys follow as his mom heads for Adym, "how come you didn't tell me you get out at 12:15?"

The girls look at me so we stop waking and pretend to talk.

"I forgot about finals-"

"Because you've been sneaking out and partying and smoking and drinking right? " She interrupts

"It was only-"

"How old are you? Are you 21 yet? No. What makes you think you can make adult choices when you're 16 and still under your parents roof?" She says

"That's not it-"

"Then what is? Hm?" His mom crosses her arms, "I really don't think you have an explanation for this one Adym and you know it too."

"I just got caught up in homework and papers.. I forgot" Adym shrugs

She sighs, "Sometimes I really don't understand you Adym. You're lucky basketball season ended because you wouldn't be on the team anymore."

"Dad did say I could go to the party.." Adym mumbles

"Excuse me?" She eyes him, "And you didn't think to run it past- never mind I guess I didn't cross your mind when you asked? When has that ever been allowed for you to only ask your dad?"

"Never" he runs his fingers through his hair as the bell rings

"Then why do you think it's suddenly allowed now?" She questions

"I dunno I just thought it's fine and I'll be home by curfew-"

"But you weren't Adym" she sighs, "it's one thing if you missed your curfew but you were drunk and high when you got home oh and to top it off the police brought you home"

When Adym doesn't say anything she continues, "If you think I'm done talking to you about this you're wrong. We're talking about this and finals when you get home. Oh and I want you home by 12:30. No later."

"Got it" he nods

Her face softens as she turns to his friends, "Sorry you guys had to hear that. Your names are?"

As they introduce themselves Yasmine mumbles,

"Peyton said he blamed it all on Emily, saying she made him go and was gonna blackmail him so none of us would get caught."

"Damn.." Ariel says, "I dunno if that lie will hold up"

Suddenly I hear a teacher tell us to get to class. That's when I hear his mom ask Adym if he ever talks to me much.

"Yeah" Adym says, "She's pretty cool"

"So you seriously haven't told your parents?" Natasha asks as we walk away

"Not even his" I shrug, "We almost did but now wasn't the time after it all went down."

"Wow.." Yasmine says

Once I'm in class I sit down and pull out my stuff for class when Adym comes jogging in. He walks past the teacher and sits down next to me.

"You good?" I ask

He nods, "Just a little argument.. I'm fine I think the only thing that was slightly annoying was the fact that she embarrassed me a little but she really didn't care. She was just pissed so she didn't give a fuck who heard. I mean I guess I'd feel the same way if my kid did that too."

"She just worries about you that's all" I shrug, "Just tough love you know?"

"Yeah" Adym agrees, "I just wish Now was a good time to tell my parents about you."

"I think I'm gonna tell my mom about you tonight" I say, "I think it's time-"

"Ms.Ortega and Mr.Yorba can I teach my class and have you guys listen or do you need to leave?" The teacher interrupts, "Newsflash you two, I could care less about your relationship. Can I continue teaching now?"

We nod and hold back a laugh as the teacher continues.

After school

I drop Adym off at home since his parents wanted him to walk for a few days before driving. Before he gets out of the car he leans in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you baby" He smiles

"I love you too" I feel my face heat up.

"See you tomorrow" he hugs me

"Bye" I hug him back

Once I get back home I knock on Micah's door to check on him.

"Come in" He replies

"Hey" I smile, "How're you feeling?"

"I just started feeling better like ten minutes ago" he runs his fingers through his hair, "Um.. when's your mom coming home?"

"At 5:30 why?" I ask


It's complicated part 2Where stories live. Discover now