Chapter 17

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"Thanks for caring about our relationship Adym but I really don't wanna talk about that right now." I murmur

"Please let me take you home" he looks at me sadly

"Please let me walk." I reply

He sighs, "Love you.."

I watch him drive off as I stuff my hands in my pockets and start walking. Almost instantly I hear someone call my name. When I turn I see Jace walking over with only basketball shorts on and his Calvin's showing,

"Hey.. you good?"

"Do I look like it?" I snap

He bites his lip awkwardly, "im sure you don't want me to answer that.."

"Sorry" I apologize, "I- it's just- I- I dunno.."

"Don't worry about it" he gives me a small smile, "You wanna come inside?"

"Jace, Adym and I just-"

"You don't need to explain" he chuckles, "I Ugh.. I heard everything. the windows were open And you guys talked pretty loud.. But if you wanna come in you're welcome to. Or if you want a ride home I'm here for you."

"Thanks" I try not to look embarrassed

We were THAT loud...

"Soo.. do you wanna come in?" He offers

"You didn't expect me-"

"It's fine I was just about to go swimming but you probably don't wanna go swimming" he runs his fingers through his curls, "So you wanna grab a snack or something? Go get a smoothie maybe?"

I hold up my Starbucks drink awkwardly.

"Right.." he nods, "Are you hungry? There's a place down the street where we can go grab a salad or sandwich or something.they have a lot of different choices."

"Okay" I agree

"Alright come on in. Imma go change real quick." He leads me in the house.

I walk inside and sit on the couch as he heads upstairs to his room. As I wait for him his sister walks in and smiles,

"Hey I know you! Tori right?"

I nod, "Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm good" she smiles, "So you and my brother...?"

"Still just friends" I chuckle, "We're Just hanging out."

"Nice" she heads for the kitchen, "Have fun"

After about ten minutes, Jace comes downstairs in different clothes,

"Sorry I took a minute"

"You're fine" I Stand up

Jace pulls his keys out of his pocket and heads for the garage, "I'll be back later"

"Alright" his sister replies, "Don't forget we got family dinner tonight. Dad and mom wanna go to Biba's so we gotta dress nice. Be back so you have enough time to dress good."

"Yeah I got it" he holds the door open for me

We get in the car and drive to the restaurant. Once we get a seat and some menus we start looking for what to order. After a couple minutes the waitress appears to get out order.

"I'll just have a salad and water" I put in my order

"I'll have the same" Jace adds

The waiter leaves and Jace turns to me, "You don't want anything else?"

"I got a family dinner tonight too" I say, "Even though it's only like 1:30 in the afternoon I had lunch at school too so I'm not that hungry."

"Same" he agrees

"Can I ask you something?" I look at him seriously

"Yeah what's up?" He pays attention to me

"I know you and Adym grew apart.. have you guys ever tried to hang out much since then?" I ask

Jace shakes his head, "nah... my friends didn't like Adym much because he was younger and you know, once we got to high school all the upperclassman don't really socialize with any one younger than them. It's kind of the stereotype and it's not just that, it's just I got busy with sports and friends and family and he did to so I just figured we didn't have time to link up."

"And" he adds, "it's not like I didn't reach out to him. I did try to hit him up once or twice and he's all yeah we should link up sometime let me know when you're free and all that shit. It was that awkward type shit where it's like I got the vibe he didn't wanna hang out he was just saying that you know? And I didn't blame him for kind of blowing me off even when I talked to him in person. We grew apart.. shit happened. We got over it. But we never talked much after that. Just kinda how life is.."

"Yeah" I nod, "I get it.. do you like his friends?"

"Everyone has their own group of friends. Especially friends outside of groups of friends. I'm pretty sure his friends don't like me and I get it. Like I'm not mad it's just you know.. it is what it is. I don't really know them though so I dunno..." he shrugs

"I think you guys should talk.." I state

Before he can say anything else our food comes out.


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