Chapter 15

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After school

As Micah and I walk off the school property, everyone catches up with us.

"Hey baby" I walk over to Adym

He smiles and hugs me tightly.

"I love you. Please never leave my side." He whispers in my ear

I smile as he still holds me in his arms.

"God damn bruh y'all make me feel lonely" Yasmine rolls her eyes.

Adym chuckles as he looks down at me with a smile.

"Alright" I let go, "We gotta head home."

"Nooo we should all head to the mall" Natasha says

"How about tomorrow morning? We can grab breakfast then all go to the mall or something" I shrug

"I can't" Adym replies as he hugs me from behind, resting his head on mine.

"Well can you go today? I mean we got out early for fucks sake. Can't you just say you gotta study at the library?" Ariel asks

"How about we go to Starbucks then we'll see what time it is. Adym just say that you're finishing a test with a teacher. We'll watch the clock so you get home before them either way. But once we get our Starbucks we'll see what happens next?" I offer

We all agree before driving to Starbucks. As we drive to Starbucks Micah asks me about the modeling shoot.

"I'll text my mom and ask her if we can talk tonight about it" I pull out my phone and text her

"My mom said she'll check in with us and make sure we're okay" he adds

"Alright" I nod

Once we arrive at Starbucks Adym immediately gravitates toward me. As we order I offer to pay for everyone. Meanwhile Adym's on Snapchat making a video.

"Damn.. when she can provide for herself" he smirks and points the camera at me.

"Chillll" I hide my face

He chuckles and finishes recording as everyone puts in their order. After I pay we go and sit to wait for our drinks. Adym holds my hand as we wait for our drinks.

"So if we go what day do we leave?" Micah asks

"Monday morning" I answer

"So its just the two of you going?" Adym asks me while eyeing the high schoolers who just walked in and are eyeing me.

"Looks like it" I shrug, "It'll be cool for us to go back to LA for a bit."

Adym's loose grip on my hand tightens for a second but loosens again. We all talk as I sit next to Adym when he suddenly pulls me onto his lap like it's no big deal. Peyton gives adym a look but he rolls his eyes and continues eyeing the guys and looking at Micah. His jaw tightens as they finish ordering and sit directly across from our table.

"Damn Adym you're fucking horny" Yasmine jokes

"She's my girlfriend" Adym states, "Doesn't mean I'm fucking horny it means I fucking love her okay?!"

"Dude chill" Dylan tells Adym, "She was just joking don't get all pissy"

"I'm not" he rolls his eyes

"That's what you think" Peyton chuckles

"Peyton god damn just shut the fuck up" Adym snaps as the other boy's eyes remain on me.

"Dude-" James begins

"Woah woah woah" Ariel interrupts, "Adym We're not tryna piss you off alright? Yasmines sorry she even said that right?"

"Right" she nods, "I thought you'd know i was joking."

"What're you so interested in? You're not even paying attention to us" Natasha begins

"He's watching The guys eyeing Tori" Micah replies, glancing at them every few minutes

"It's not big deal everyone just chill" I announce as they call our name for our drinks

Everyone stands up to go get our drinks except me and Adym.

"baby chill" I get off his lap, "it's just some dumb ass boys."

He sighs, "I know. I think imma just head home. My moms gonna be home later and I'm not gonna tell her I'm staying after school. I'm tryna have her let me stay at this school-"

"Adym relax" I say low enough for us to hear, "If you're gonna do anything you should go talk to Jace.."

"Jace?!" His facial expressions change, "No I-"

"He graduates in two days. Don't you wanna be on good terms with him?" I ask

He doesn't say anything.

"Fine. Be stubborn." I reply

"Maybe I will then" he huffs

"Fine. Do what you want." I mutter, "be in a pissy mood then. I told you not to waste your time stressing over it but you do you okay? I'm here for you.."

He doesn't say anything as he calms down. When he doesn't say anything I turn and walk over to everyone to get my drink. Adym sits there for a few seconds before taking his drink and mumbles, "I love you. I gotta go." As he walks away.

"What's up with him?" Dylan asks

"His moms thinking about moving him to a different school next year" I explain, "he's stressing and-"

Suddenly I'm interrupted.


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