Chapter 14

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Adym nods, his head still down.

"It's fine" I mouth to everyone

Everyone continues to talk as I lay my arm on the table and put my head down next to him,


"Yeah?" He says with his eyes shut

"You wanna sit up? Maybe go for a walk?" I offer while rubbing his back


"Come on" I sit up, "I wanna talk."

"Alright" he stands up and reaches for my hand

We grab our backpacks and throw away our food before walking off.

"Baby something's wrong" I look at him, "And I know it's not the fact that the impression you gave my mom wasn't the best."

Adym sighs, "It's just I don't wanna stress anyone that's why I didn't say much."

"I'm your girlfriend Adym. You can tell me anything and everything no matter what. I'm here for you and I'll always be here for you." I reassure him, "So what's going on?"

"My moms still unhappy about everything that happened and she's thinking about moving me to a different school.. one out of the district..where I can't meet up with any of you guys. She wants to put me in a private school." He explains

"Damn.." I mumble, "So that's why you've been quiet?"

He nods, "My dads tryna talk her out of it buts she's just fucking set on moving me to another school. I told her I made the choice myself and I only knew like two people and the two of them left after being there for a half hour but I stayed and fucked up. She still doesn't know whether or not to believe it but she's looking at private schools. Then everyone's talking about the last day of school in two Days and its fucking annoying me. All it does is remind me that this might be the last two days I'm with y'all together. It literally just makes me depressed."

"I'm sorry" I hold his hand, "But Don't think like that. Your mom could change her mind and you could stay. You're focusing on the negative and all it's doing is stressing you out and making you depressed which makes you shut us out. We wanna be here for you Adym. No matter what we're still gonna find a way to hang out and we're all gonna stay friends. It's all gonna blow over I promise. Please just don't think about it too much and enjoy each other's company."

"Okay.." he sighs

As we start walking back to the tables, the bell rings for us to get to our last class so we head our separate ways. I wait for Micah as he gets his backpack and throws away his trash so we can head to our final class.

"So do you think your moms gonna let us go?" He asks

I shrug, "I hope.. we got a total of four days to convince her if we include the weekend. I'm pretty sure she'll let it happen if have a plan rather than spring the idea on her without it being full proof. Basically we just need to make sure we got a place to stay, We know how long we'll be gone, we know how we'll get there and back and just in case we'll have a 'trusted adult'."

"Alright" he nods, "I can ask my mom or something if she can keep an eye on us since shes probably be the closest trusted adult around."

"Yeah and she doesn't have to be around 24/7 as long as she's nearby in case something happens." I agree while walking to my desk.

While we wait for the teacher and the bell I check my DMs to see that they'll give us first class tickets to and from LA and two security guards to ensure our safety since we're traveling alone and underage. Also they'll provide hotel rooms at some 5 star hotel and someone will pick us up and basically be our chauffeur since we're only 16. So basically they're like our trusted adult so they can ensure we're okay. I explain everything to Micah who seems happy about it.

"How long are we gonna be gone?" He asks

"We leave Tuesday and won't come back until two weeks before school starts and if my mom wanted to fly down to visit or we wanted to go visit her over break they'll give us an extra pair of tickets but we have to go to Sacramento and if she comes to us she comes to LA. You know, to basically ensure we're not tryna get a free trip or something," I explain

Micah nods in agreement, "Aight I'll text my mom and see if she's okay with it and if she'll check in with us and all that."

"Oh and we'll be making anywhere from $900-1,500 a day depending on where they can use us. They're looking for models for catalogues and commercials you know, for perfume and shit?" I add

"Damn imma make bank" he beams

Before we can say anything else, the bell rings..


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