Chapter 18

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"Yeah" he agrees, "But we haven't been close since we were younger. We've both grown. Like I know he's not the same dude I knew when we were younger."

"Then learn what changed" I take a bite of salad

He nods, "Yeah.. you make it sound so easy you know? It's just awkward for guys to do that shit. It's easier for girls. Guys just aren't exactly like that tori."

"I know but the least you could do is talk to him Jace" I reason, "What're you doing for college?"

"I got a couple scholarships but I dunno I got a lot of followers and shit on social media so some people are saying I should do social media and be an influencer." He explains, "But I'm prolly gonna just take the basketball scholarships because I can make more money. That and I'm not really interested in that influencer shit."

"But you're into that famous shit?" I laugh, "You know that's basically the same thing just you get paid more right?"

He rolls his eyes and smiles, "True, True but with basketball I can play the sport I love and get paid for it. With social media imma just do nothing all day except post or endorse something that ion even know works."

"There's different types of influencers though but I get what you're saying" I agree

"Most influencers who just get money off Instagram pretty much just sit around all day and pose for pictures with their friends. Or they post on their story like oh my god y'all gotta try this I love this so fucking much and half the time they don't even know what they're talking about." Jace continues

"Okay I mean you're not wrong" I lowkey agree, "If all you do is post on insta instead of doing YouTube or something than yeah I guess you're right but you could still do that."

"With what friends?" He laughs, "That's the thing. I'm used to doing things on my own but like.. I dunno being home alone all day or being on my own 24/7.. I can't do that shit. I like being by myself but more people want attention from you and wanna be close so it makes it harder to figure out who's a real one you know?"

"Yeah" I nod, "But you have friends."

"Yeah but they're all going their own way once schools over. They're my best friends but come on now.. go ask any adult if they've ever talked to anyone from high school since it ended. Most of the time they'll keep in touch with one or two people but after that.. man you're on your own." He sighs, "It's sad but it's true."

"I never thought about it but I guess you're right" I agree

After we eat I go to pay but Jace pays for the both  of us.

"Thank you" I smile, "But seriously I can pay for myself."

"I just wanna make your day better" he shrugs

We walk outside and Jace stops me, "Do me a favor?"

"What?" I look at him

"Photo shoot?" He asks, "Real quick."

"Alright" he hands me his phone

I take some pictures of him before he pulls me over, "Come on get in it. You can do the timer."

"Noooo" I laugh

"Come on" he says, "What's the harm? There's none."

"Jaceeee nooo"  I take a few steps back

"Selfies then" he looks deep into my eyes

"Jace nooo" I stop him

"Fine" he rolls his eyes playfully

We walk back to his car and drive to his house. Once he pulls into the garage and parks the car I look at the BMW in the garage while I wait for him to get out.

"You like it?" He asks

I nod.

"Aight" he walks over to the key rack, "Get in."

"What?" I look at him

"Here" he tosses me the keys, "Let's take a drive yeah?"

"Me??" I look at the keys then back at him

"Duh" he hops in the passenger seat.

"No I can't" I hand him the keys

"Don't be a baby" he pushes my hand away, "get in."

If I crash this car I swear to god...

"Fine" I take a deep breath and get in.

I back out and begin driving down the street as Jace blasts music.

"You ever race?" He asks


"We should race some time" he gets excited

"I- Jace-"

"I'll schedule a time on the track. You can take the Audi or the Ferrari and I'll get the mustang or something" he pulls out his phone to schedule a time

"You're fucking crazy" I laugh

"But being crazy's mad fun" he chuckles

Once we're done we drive to his house so I can grab my purse from his car real quick.

"Here" I toss him the keys

"We'll drive this to your place" he gets behind the wheel

He starts the car and looks over at me with a sly smile.

"Jace I'm tryna live so don't you dare-"

All of a sudden Jace slams his foot down and we start speeding down the street. I hold onto the seat as tight as I can since I don't have my seatbelt on.

"Jaceeeee" I exclaim, "M- My seatbelt!"

"Oh shit" he freaks out for a second before slowing down, "Alright buckle up."

As soon as I buckle up he continues to speed to my house. I have no idea how we didn't get pulled over.. but in a matter of minutes we're in front of my house. After unbuckling myself I go to get out but he stops me.

"Lemme see your phone" he turns off the car and holds out his hand.

"what? Why?" I hand it to him

"You look good" he compliments me, "This'll look good for Instagram. You did a photo shoot for me so lemme do one for you."


Okay so like.. y'all like longer chapters or do you like them the length they are as is?

It's complicated part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang