Chapter 20

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"I dunno" I take a deep breath.

Micah plays with my hair as his arms remain wrapped around me. I begin to calm down a bit as we sit in bed.

"It's okay" he rubs my back, "I'm always here for you."

Once I calm down I sniffle for a little bit but lowkey still feel like my confidence went wayyyy down.

"Sorry I got your chest wet with tears" I laugh a little

"It's fine" he chuckles, "I can wipe them off.. so what did you do after it all went down? You could've came to me."

"I went to talk to Jace and hung out with him a bit." I explain, "We grabbed a salad and sat and talked about how Adym and him aren't friends and basically anything that came up. Then he brought me home. I wanted to come to you but I just thought I could handle this on my own and I don't need to go crying to someone else about my problems. Jace already knew what went down because it all happened in front of his house. After talking with him I still wanted to tell you but I figured I'd be fine you know?"

"I get it" he nods, "Some things are hard to talk about.."

As Micah and I lay in bed and talk, I can tell he's trying to keep my mind off of it but I keep thinking about Adym.

"Maybe it's just me.." I mumble, "Maybe I'm overthinking things? Maybe it's just I'm too sensitive?"

Micah stops talking and looks over at me, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"What?" I reply

"You're literally putting the blame on you? You? Victoria rose Ortega? No. It's not your fucking fault Tori and don't ever say something like that is your fault." He huffs, "Don't put yourself down like that."

"But Micah what if I blew it out of proportion-"

"Tori don't stress yourself like that" he says

He sits up and looks around his room for something in the dark.

"What're you-"

"Found it" he walks back to the bed and turns on the Tb.

"What do you wanna watch? A cartoon? A comedy? What?" He sits on the bed to find a movie

"We should watch a cartoon" I answer

"Aye we should watch The jungle book" Micah gets excited, "The old one that came out when we were younger"

"Okay" I smile

Not gonna lie I love how excited Micah gets when we talk about watching cartoons we used to watch when we're younger. When Micah and I were younger he'd come over a lot or I'd go to his house a lot when things got really bad at home and we'd watch old Disney movies. It was basically our thing till we got older where we could go off on our own. If both of our homes were really bad we'd sit outside at one of our houses and make up games to play.

So to see how excited he gets when we talk about watching a cartoon reminds me of when we were younger. Honestly I think he lowkey loves watching cartoons so much because it was our way of escaping for a little bit. So, if we weren't outside we would've inside watching cartoons.

"Here" he hands me his remote, "You get the movie and I'll get popcorn and shit"

As Micah heads downstairs quietly I get the movie on. Pretty soon Micah comes back with popcorn and blankets. He hands me the popcorn and throws some blankets over me and gets in bed to watch the movie. As the movie plays I feel some popcorn hit me. When I look up i see Micah pretending not to notice. So I throw some popcorn which lands in his curls. I laugh a little as he pulls the popcorn out of his hair.

"Thanks for making my hair all oily" he laughs

"You can take another shower you'll be fine" I reply

8:15 am

I open my eyes as the sunshine from the window next to my head shines down on the sheets. After blinking a couple times I look at the sheets and recognize Micah's sheets. Then I remember we fell asleep watching the jungle book. When I look behind me I see Micah asleep with his head resting on his arm, facing towards me. Quietly I get out bed and open his door to see where my mom is before going to my room. I hear my mom on the phone in her room so I walk to my room to change out of my shorts and undershirt. Before I change I check my phone and see tons of texts from the girls asking about breakfast and shopping today with the guys.

Natasha: Tori? Wya
Ariel: prolly still sleep
Yasmine: y'all it's barely 8:10 chilllllll
Natasha: okay but I wanna know if I show do some makeup or nah. Like I don't wanna do makeup if I'm not leaving the house right away
Ariel: same tho
Yasmine: do ur makeup she'll be up soon
Tori: where do y'all wanna go?
Natasha: AYEEE🤪🤪 good morning boo
Yasmine: morning
Ariel: hey girl
Tori: morning.. where do y'all wanna go?
Yasmine: how ab the cafe down the street?
Ariel: in 20 minutes?
Natasha: what abt makeup
Tori: I'm not doing makeup
Natasha: okay I'll just do the same
Ariel: Wait were telling the boys right?
Yasmine: yeah someone text them in the gc
Ariel: I'll let them know rn
Natasha: is Micah coming?
Ariel: 😳🙈
Yasmine: ouuuu shes Right is her boo gonna pull up
Natasha: stfu I'm just asking🙄🖕🏽
Tori: idk he's sleep rn
Ariel: ain't no need to get all pressed🙃🙃
Yasmine: He gettin his beauty rest
Tori: I got tea for y'all
Yasmine: WHAT IS IT
Ariel: spill💁🏽‍♀️
Natasha: what????
Tori: tell the boys to be there in 30 minutes but y'all come in 20 and I'll explain
Ariel: No girl tell us rn
Tori: I'm not tryin all the shit out so just be there in 20
Yasmine: are y'all dressed already?
Tori: just gotta change
Yasmine: Same
Ariel: Same
Yasmine: then how ab we meet now?
Tori: I can get there in 5
Yasmine: Same
Ariel: ^^
Natasha: Same here
Ariel: I'll tell the boys be there in 10 then.
Tori: okay I'll meet y'all there

Setting my phone down, I quickly get dressed and brush my hair and teeth.

After spraying on some perfume I throw on my Air Force ones and get ready to leave

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After spraying on some perfume I throw on my Air Force ones and get ready to leave. Before I leave I quietly open Micah's door and find him asleep.

"Micah?" I whisper

"Hm?" He groans

"I'm going to breakfast with everyone.. I'm leaving now to go meet them and you can come with if you want. We're going to the mall after but if you want I can swing back and pick you up." I explain

He stretches and opens his eyes, "I'll go to breakfast"

"Alright I'll be in the car" I reply as he gets up to change


Sorry I haven't been updating. Hs got me alllll types of fucked up rn

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