Chapter 26

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"Don't act like you Haven't noticed" he looks deep in my eyes, "We both know I've changed. I used to steal on the daily, fight, smoke and party and shit wayyyy to often. Oh yeah and I skipped school, did deals, and I've been to juvenile hall once or twice."

"You haven't Acted out That much. You never have..." I mumble.

I need to stop playing dumb. What's the outcome of it all? I'm just delaying this conversation for no reason..

"Yeah" he nods, "I dunno why. I mean I tried to fix my life for my mom but she needed money and I felt that was the only way to help her. I can't wait for a check to come in what.. every two weeks? That's to long and debt don't wait for nobody tori. If you're late you pay extra and my mom just can't afford it."

I sigh, "yeah I mean I guess you have gotten into trouble."

I try not to look at him much while packing but he stops me and makes sure I'm listening. So, I sit down next to him and listen. I don't know why but talking about all he's done makes me regret tons of things I've done growing up and they're all similar to what he's done..

"Don't act like you haven't noticed tori. I'm being serious." Micah waits for me to make eye contact with him, "You and my mom were there to bail me out of juvenile hall when they took me for fighting both times. I've put her through a lot.. now that I'm in Sacramento I'm not stealing... as much.. and I haven't gotten into fights.. kind of.. I haven't been smoking or drinking.. as much.. and as for deals, Ive not done much.. look, when I list off everything it sounds like I haven't changed but I'm slowly changing and quitting those habits. I mean my fucking personality-"

"Your personality has always been the same with me" I interrupt, "I mean you've had some self control but other than that you're still the same person I've known and loved since we were little.. you know.. love as in best friends.."

"Tori I'm able to control my emotions and actions. I think I even use better vocabulary sometimes. I'm still working on it but I haven't been to juvenile hall at all. I'm becoming a better person here Tori.. I mean.. shit.. what if I go back and go back to my old self?" He asks seriously

"I'm still here either way-"

"Tori have you noticed the changes or not?" He interrupts

"Yeah" I say quietly

Honestly, I don't think the changes he's made are because he wants to do it, I think it's because he's had to adjust. Like he's been forced to change instead of see the difference between the way he was and the way he is now. It's not something he wanted.

"So what do you think? Come on tori you tell me everything and you're always fucking honest. Don't switch up on me now.. be honest. Have I changed? Like in a good way? Am I a better person?" He questions

"Micah I'm gonna be honest" I take a deep breath, "You have changed and whether or not you think it's for the best is up to you. My opinion shouldn't matter right now because you're your own person. You act and treat people however you want. But to be honest- don't get mad at me or think I'm tryna be a prick- I think you've only changed because you were kind of forced to. I mean you're in a completely different city with different people and different schools which means everyone has a different view and different expectations. I think you just changed because I don't know.. maybe you realized that acting like you did in LA wouldn't be handled the same way in Sacramento you know? Like dead ass Micah, if you still lived in LA and you were somehow able to see the difference in yourself in sac and in LA would you wanna stay the same or change and be more like the person you are now?"

"If I stayed in LA I might try to go about things differently. I was already working on not stealing and doing deals in LA. Eventually I might get to where I am now if I stayed in LA, I don't know tori. But if I was this way in LA I'd probably get jumped-"

"For being more polite? For staying out of trouble? No. Micah honestly it's just about analyzing yourself and understanding what's right and wrong so you know what can stay and what needs to be worked on. Coming to Sacramento just helped you work on some things you needed help on that's all." I explain before standing up to continue packing

"But what if it doesn't stick?" He asks

"Honestly it's just about self control. You don't need to be in Sacramento for it to stick. But if you wanna come back here then come back and stay as long as you want. It's really up to you." I say while folding clothes.

"I'm gonna miss you.. a lot.." Micah says quietly

"We'll be together all summer making memories. I'm a call away and we can always visit each other. Don't worry about me." I give him a soft smile.

He sighs, "Yeah.. I guess your right..."


It's complicated part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz