Chapter 29

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I walk in the house and touch up my makeup before changing clothes, spraying on perfume, and walk back to my car.

Upon reaching Adym's house I dm him and let him know I'm here

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Upon reaching Adym's house I dm him and let him know I'm here. He quickly responds and tells me he told them he wants to introduce them to someone but they don't know who so I should wait a couple seconds then knock. I do as he directs and within seconds he opens the door, turns to look behind himself, then lets me in.

"Hey" he smiles, "follow me."

"You look beautiful by the way. I didn't expect them to be home right away." he whispers before kissing my cheek and walking ahead of me.

I follow him into the entrance to the kitchen where he stops me and leans in the entryway, blocking any view of me. Meanwhile his parents are talking and standing by the stove.

"So mom, dad, I wanna introduce you guys to someone.." he announces, "Well.. actually reintroduce you guys to her but this time as my girlfriend."

I catch a quick glimpse of his parents who look at each other with a questioning look. Adym stands to the side and looks to his parents for a reaction. I step forward and smile,

"Hi Mr and Mrs.Yorba"

They instantly smile and walk over to me.

"Oh my god You guys are dating?" His mother asks

"Yeah" I nod with a nervous smile.

"I've been hoping for something like this!" She excitedly says

"Congratulations" his dad beams

His mom wraps her arms around me in a tight hug, "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys!"

"He really needs someone like you to keep him on track. Finally someone we love!" She continues

I look at Adym as I hug her back who chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.

"You should stay for dinner. We're eating at 5." His dad states

"That sounds amazing but I'm actually going to spend some time with my mom tonight. Tomorrow's my last day in Sacramento before I leave for the summer to go to LA." I explain

"Oh that's right. You're mom said something about that." His mom nods, "Congratulations on getting the job!"

"Thank you" I smile

"Well you're always welcome here Tori." His dad tells me, "Can you stay for a bit?"

"Well my moms coming home soon but I wanted to make sure you guys knew about our relationship before I go." I say.

"Oh okay well when you get back we'll have you, your mom and Micah over!" She reassures me

"That would be amazing" I smile, "Thank you."

"You walked right?" Adym gives me a quick look, telling me to agree.

"Yeah I did. I better get going so I can meet my mom. But it was great seeing you guys again" I tell his parents

"Do you want a ride home?" His parents offer

"I can walk her home if it's okay with you guys?" Adym gives a pleading look to his parents who nod in agreement.

"Alright cool" he quickly puts his shoes on and heads for the door, "I'll be back."

"Nice seeing you again!" They call as we walk outside

"You too!" I reply.

As Adym shuts the front door I turn to him, "but I drove-"

"I know but that's the only way we'll get some privacy." He replies

"You wanna do it in the-" I begin

"That's the plan" he smirks

"Come on" he puts his hand out.

I hand him the keys and we get in and drive down the street and park where there's a long row of fences before the front yards of homes.

"Good thing you're windows are tinted" he smirks, "And you're wearing a dress."

I smirk as he turns off the car, puts me in the backseat and gets back there with me before putting both front seats forward.

"Easy access" licks his lip before kissing my neck.

Alright I forgot to finish writing this and since I'm lazy af Imma skip this part😂💀

We finish and quickly get dressed and get in the front seat. Adym turns to me and laughs a little.

"What?" I ask while straightening out my dress.

"You forgot your thong" he replies, "but I don't mind that you did.."

I feel my face heat up as he says that. Reaching behind the seat, I snatch my thong and quickly put it on and he watches me with a smile.

He sighs, "I better go.."

"Alright.." I say sadly

"I love you" he gives me a tight hug.

"I love you too" I hug him back

He kisses me before turning and getting out of the car, "We should do that again sometime.."

I laugh, "We'll see."

"Alright.. bye baby" he looks at me sadly before shutting the door and walking in the direction of his home.

I sigh and get in the passenger seat. I'm really gonna miss him when I'm gone.. we drifted apart last time I went to LA. We both got jealous and problems were started but That was because we weren't dating.. everything's gonna be fine. Right..?


It's complicated part 2Where stories live. Discover now