Chapter 16

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"Aye shorty can I get your number?" One of the guys asks

I turn to see a tall boy who looks like he just left basketball practice, "No I got a boyfriend."

"He ain't gotta know mamas" he smirks

"She said no dumbass" Yasmine rolls her eyes

"Aye shorty you single? You know I got friends I can hook y'all up-"

"Ew" Yasmine laughs, "You're a dog-"

Suddenly Dylan steps in, "Bro you need to back up. No means no-"

"Aight chill" he chuckles, "You're probably her boyfriend or something."

"Nigga ain't nobody want you around. They said no so dip." Micah mutters

He turns to me before walking off, "If you change your mind.. I go to Monte high.. if not I'll see ya around."

"Bye" I roll my eyes and head for the door.

As we walk outside the guys ask if Yasmine and I are okay.

"Yeah" we reply

"So should one of us go talk to Adym?" Peyton looks at me

"I will" I volunteer, "Micah can you drop me off at his house?"

"Yeah let's go" he agrees

"So how about the mall and breakfast tomorrow? We can go to ihop or something at 9" I state

They nod in agreement as I say goodbye and walk to Micah's car. As soon as he drops me off I see Adym's car in the driveway. I walk up to the door and knock. No answer. After knocking again I get no answer so I throw a pebble at his window. After the second pebble I still get no answer. So, I begin climbing the tree to see if he's there. As soon as I reach the top of the tree I see Adym laying in bed, tossing a basketball around in his hands.

I knock on the window, "So am I just supposed to sit outside and wait for you??"

He glances over and opens the window, helping me in.

"I just wanted to check on you.." I tell him

He gives me a small smile, "I'm fine, thanks... I just got mad because those boy kept staring then I dunno I snapped."

"Don't let them get to you. They're just guys. " I reply

"It's whatever.." he murmurs, "I was thinking about going to see Jace.. you down to go?"

I shrug, "Alright"

We head downstairs to his car and begin driving. As we drive Adym plays Studio by Blueface. After about ten minutes we pull into the wealthy neighborhood and I start to recognize where I'm at. A couple yards away I see Jace's house. Adym pulls up to his house and parks the car.

"I'll be in here" I pull out my phone

"What? No" he gets out and watches me.

"This is between the two of you. I'm not tryna make it awkward." I reason

"You won't-"

"I'll be waiting for you here." I state simply

"Why would it be awkward? Because you talked to him more than you did me when we played our last game?" Adym says matter of factly

"I don't know why you keep copping an attitude" I mutter, "But it's starting to piss me off."

"It's not a fucking attitude!" He huffs, "You're the one catching guys eyes and being all friendly and shit and-"

"Oh I'm being friendly by sitting in my boyfriends lap? Or how about the part where I make it clear to guys I got a boyfriend? Pretty friendly. Ohhh and we cant forget the part where I'm pretty so guys look at me. I can't help it. Guys are dogs." I roll my eyes

"It's not that it's 'cause you got a fat ass and big boobs" he huffs, "Guys don't look at faces right away they look at bodies first. At least that's what guys like Peyton do."

Not gonna lie.. that actually hurt... like when we first met is that what he paid attention to?

"Point proven. Wow Adym that makes everything better!" Exclaim, "First you snap at me and everyone else at Starbucks. Then when I come check on you and get you to talk to Jace, just because I don't wanna go in because it's between you guys, you call me UGLY?!"

As soon as the words left Adym's mouth I know he regret it, "No it's not like that- I didn't mean for it to come out like that and you know it!"

"No go ahead Adym call your damn girlfriend ugly" I growl, "You know what's fucking ugly? Your attitude. Fix it and then we'll talk because I'm over it Adym. I don't have to do this."

"Tori I didn't call you ugly-"

"Don't try to explain" I get out of the car, "Because it's the same reasoning. You're stressed. You don't wanna move schools so you snap at everyone."

"It's not that.." he mumbles

"Then please, tell me" I question, "Inform me Adym."

"Where are you going?!" He asks

"Definitely not going inside with you now" I reply as I head for home.

"TORI WAIT" he practically yells for all the neighbors to hear.

"Oh my god can you be any louder??" I put my head down, "I don't need everyone knowing our business."

"You're walking away" he follows me

"I know." I state

He grabs my arm, "Don't go. I'll drive you."

"You've done enough" I fake a smile and pull my arm away

"Tori I didn't try and call you ugly it just came out- you know what I mean" he sighs

"Oh wow it slipped!" I chuckle, "Yeah so you must've just been thinking that and not said it. What a confidence booster"

As Adym tries to explain I continue to walk down the street and head home. All of a sudden I hear Adym get in his car and follow me,

"Get in Tori. I'll explain what I meant. You know I didn't mean that Tori. Let's go."

"Adym I want space." Is all I say

"Alright... come see me tomorrow?" He asks

I give him a look which makes him look down at his feet, "Right.. you want space.. so.. where does this leave our relationship?"

"I just want space right now." I repeat

"So.. it's over?" He clarifies


Yeah Ik this chapter sucks but I haven't had much time to write so I don't have many ideas

It's complicated part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora