Chapter 8

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When I hear footsteps, I listen and hear them lead into the garage. As the garage door opens I look at tori who looks at me as I take my hand away.

"Gimme my clothes" she whispers

"No I'm fucking close" I whisper

"Adym we're gonna get caught-" she begins

"Bet" I smirk

I continue to go faster as we both try to be quiet. The faster I go the more we struggle to be quiet. Almost instantly I cum and seconds later Tori does too. As if on cue I hear the garage door open and the garage shut. Tori looks at me, ready to panic.  As she scrambles for her clothes I point to my closet.

"But I-"

"you won't make it out the window in time" I whisper, "I'll help you clean up in a minute."

As the footsteps make their way towards the stairs I quickly turn off the radio and slide it under my bed before throwing on my boxers and joggers. As the footsteps come up the stairs I rush to throw blankets
Over my sheets to cover the stains. Looking around the room, I find my backpack and grab a random notebook and pencil before throwing myself into the chair at my desk. I end up sliding out of my chair and falling but I pick myself up and sit down again to try and look like I'm studying.

Meanwhile I glance over to The closet and pray Tori's hidden well just in case one of my parents makes up a reason to check my closet. When I look on the floor I see Tori's shoes. Fuck. I quickly grab my shirt from the floor and throw it on her shoes as I hear a knock on my door before it opens. I jump and turn to find my mom at the door.

"Hey mom" I give her a small smile

"Hey Adym" she looks at my desk, "What're you doing?"

"Studying for finals" I reply

"What final?" She asks

I hold up my notebook to show her and to look at the name I have on my notebook, "English."

"Okay" she nods, "why are you sweaty?"

"It's hot in here" I lie, "That's why I took my shirt off."

"Take a cold shower" she says, "The air and fans are on so I don't see why you're hot.."

"Just kinda nervous for my finals I guess" I shrug, "So you know.. I'm sweating from it. I just wanna pass you know?"

"Mhmm" she eyes me, "Well I was on my lunch break and needed some notes for work so I thought I'd stop by and pick them up and check on you."

"Well I'm good" I smile

"How was finals?" She questions

"Good actually" I nod

"Alright" she looks at her phone, "I gotta go. Don't forget we gotta talk tonight. "

"Yup" I murmur, "I wont forget"

"Okay bye" she turns and shuts my door

As her footsteps get softer I know she's getting ready to leave. Once I hear the front door shut I look to my window and watch her drive away. Turning to my closet, I walk over and open the door to find Tori in her thong with her clothes in her hands.

"You good?" I laugh

"Bruh if your mom would've opened your closet she would've found me in only a thong.." Tori exclaims, "So do I seem good? No."

"Sorry" I laugh some more, "I didn't give you much time to hide"

"It's whatever" she stands up

"If you want you can go shower and I'll give you a change of clothes" I tell her, "My mom has extra makeup wipes somewhere in the drawer for when my cousins come."

"Thanks" She heads for the bathroom

As she runs the shower I strip the sheets off my bed and throw them in the wash before heading upstairs and sneaking into the bathroom. I quietly walk in while she's in the shower. She can't see me because of the shower curtain so I decide to scare her. I swiftly pull the curtain back and yell boo.

"FUCK" She jumps, "Adym you're not funny"

"Yeah" I laugh, "I kinda am"

"Haha. Very funny. What do you want?" She reaches for the shampoo

"Imma join you" I smile innocently, "You know? To save water."

Tori sighs but smiles, "Whatever. Get in idiot."

Once I undress I hop in the shower with her while taking in her body once again.

"You're beautiful" I compliment her

"Thanks" She blushes

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me.

"Adym I gotta hurry up and shower" tori chuckles

"What's the rush?" I shrug

"I gotta go home at some point" she replies, "I gotta make dinner."

"Noooo" I whine, "Don't leave me I'll help you cook."

"Micah has a friend over but I guess if you wanna come over you can" She reasons, "But Adym you cant leave in case your parents come home."

"Fuckkkkk" I groan, "I gotta talk to them tonight anyways.. fine.. so what about breakfast?"

"What about breakfast?" She says while putting conditioner in her hair


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