Chapter 2

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I walked in and sat down. I was a bit timid and nervous, I was the first one to class... Then all of a sudden the door busted opened and everyone came pouring in.

"I know I loved it! I can't wait to see what's next!"

A pink girl spoke.

"Who knows but it was fun I got to admit."

A girl with black pulled up hair said. My eyes widened as so many voices flooded my mind.

"I heard there will be a new person."

A girl with brown hair and eyes said.

"Really?!! I wonder what there quirk will be?"

A green boy said. When will they see me? I laughed at how they didn't even notice me.

"Hey hows it going I'm-"

"AHHH!" I jumped out of the seat. How did I not notice him!

"OH NO! I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you! Here let me help you up."

I looked up to see a kid with red hair and eyes. Funny usually you see mean people with red eyes. His is full of kindness. I took his hand shyly. We stood looking into each other's eyes. "It- it's okay." My heart was beating out of my chest.

Wait he's the guy who took Bakugou like a champ.

"Yea I was going to let you know that's usually where I sit. You can sit there if you want."

He laughed and rubbed his neck. My eyes widened. "What oh no I am so sorry!" I got up quickly. He laughed and shook his head.

"No you are fine! You didn't know I wouldn't mind anyways. The name is Kirishima Eijirou."

"Y/n, Y/n L/n."

"Annndd I'm Kaminari Denki, it's nice to meet you. Wanna go out sometime?"

A yellow hair boy came in front of me. "I uh..." Then everyone saw me and came up to me.

"Hey you must be the new girl! I am Ochako  Uraraka! this is Midoriya, Bakugou over there, Momo, Jiro, and Mina!"

She began to introduce me to everyone. My head is spinning.  "It's nice to meet you all." I didn't expect such a big welcome. They really are friendly.

"Hey I actually think I saw you at the Festival. You breathe fire don't you?"

Kirishima asked me, I blushed and nodded. "Yea but it's not what I like to do. I like to... I say you take Bakugou's hits like a champ, I was pretty impressed."

"You were? Well thanks! So what's your quirk is it to breathe fire?

Kirishima asked with a kind smile should I tell them I'm a dragon?


"You a dragon? We can't trust you."

"Dragons are nothing but a beast, so you are just a beast!"

"A beast can't be a hero!"

"Yeah you freak!"

"I can't trust you anymore. No one can you freak."

End flash back
I shivered and shook my head. No I can't tell them. "I like to use my sharp claws. I can make my nails turn really sharp like claws. Though when I do that my skin can turn hard as dragon scales you could say. I can breathe fire i suppose too." There that did it right?

"Nice so you can make your nails sharp like Kirishima can make his skin hard and sharp at certain places!"

Ochako said Midoriya came over also.

"Sounds like you have competition Kirishima."

Kaminari said with a smile.

"He I'm not complaining, that only means we can work together to get stronger!"

Kirishima said showing off his quirk. I giggled he was pretty innocent and cute.

"Hey so how does it work? It sounds like an amazing quirk!"

Midoriya began to fan boy. "I-  I mean I am not sure. I was home schooled till now."

"So what's it called?"

Kaminari asked me, they all want to know so much. I didn't expect this, what do I tell them? "Flaming claws..." I said without thinking luckily they bought it. Until I saw a disappointed look from the teacher.

"Class sir down. I'm glad you all met Y/n. Today we need to pick names for your hero internships. Some hero's decided to take you under their wing for a bit."

Hero names? Does anyone actually want me? I just joined.

"Y/n, you will take the seat next to you."

He told me, I sat between Kirishima and Sero. I looked to the hero internships. I wasn't there...

"Y/n due to you not being in our class, you will have to go to the office to see if you have anything. You will still need to think of a name."

He explained I nodded and got handed a white bored... Midnight was going to be the judge of our names. What do I use?

"Hey do you know what you are going to be?"

I heard Kirishima I looked to him. He had a gentle smile on his face. "No not yet sadly. Do you?"

"Yep! Red riot! I have looked up to him as long as I can remember."

"Well that's very sweet, I wish I had someone like that."

"You can look up to me cutie."

Kaminari flirted with me. Jiro shocked him to brain dead almost.

"Sorry about him, he's a bit of a handful."

She said glaring at him. "Haha he wasn't that bad. Thanks though Jiro."


I sighed and went back to work... I suppose I could be called H/n

Can't help falling in love Kirishima x reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant