After chapter 2

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today was day I held Eijiro hand, as we met the others.

"H-hey guys..."


"Yes denki... That's not what she wants to get if her chest right now dude...."

"Well I just wanna say I knew you had it in you Kirishma haha."

He winked at us we chuckled and rolled our eyes.

"W-well I came to say I'm sorry... I lied about my quirk..Truth is..."

I turned into a dragon they looked in shocked.

"I have the dragon quirk... I was scared of everyone rejecting me so I hid it. I should have trusted you guys sooner, but I was so scared from my past I'm sorry."

"No way your that dragon back in that fight?!? That's so cool!"

Everyone began to praise me and say it's okay. I teared up a but everyone is so nice.

"AYE I want a fight with you L/n. I want to see just how more powerful you are in that form!"

Bakugo said smiling even he liked my quirk... I was so stupid and wrong go hide it. I transformed back and smiled.

"OKAY will do Bakugo!"

"HEY I have to be there! I want to make sure no one gets to hurt."

Eijiro said as he kissed my forehead. I blushed and giggled.

"HEY L/n mind if you show off your quirk so I can study it?!?"

"I uh sure maybe later I kind of need to adjust to my size when people are around. I have been joy using it that much."

"Yeah but don't worry I'll be right by your side Y/n forever! Besides even if you hit me I'm always going to be ready for a hit!"

Eijiro said using his quirk I giggled and nodded. This is such a relief I can not worry anymore. Everyone supports me!

"Hey show us some moves please!?!"

Mina cheered I was nervous but blasted to the sky and showed some attack I could do. I also flew around with Eijro he wanted to fly around.

"This is so manly woooo hooo look at us!"

"Haha hey hold on I am going to try something!"

I said as I spun in circles towards the ground! I then came to the landing and I could tell I made Eijiro dizzy but he said he loves it.

"You two will be a great team no doubt it.

Jirou said I turned back and felt a bit flustered everyone loved my quirk this is what I get for over working Huh? The rest of the day we hanged out and talked about what was next in life and how we would become heros. I can't wait specially with Eijiro with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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