Chapter 6

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We were all having a water party. We were playing volleyball. "Hiya!" I hit the ball on the other side on the net.


"HECK YEA! We did it Mina!"  Mina and I celebrated as we won the match with Jiro and Momo on the other side. I heard chuckled behind me. I looked and blushed it was Kaminari and grape head...

"Guys What are you doing here?"

Momo asked I hid under the water I heard Kaminari laugh as I went under.

"We were wanting to use the water to improve our quirks."

I got up and gasped for air. "Huh wha what's happing?!?"

"We wanted to use the pool to have fun while using our quirks."

Kaminari explained to me. "Ah Okay." I swam to the other side with the girls. Momo and Idia talked about what to do. While I kept blushing cause Kaminari kept glancing at me.

"I noticed you two keep starring at each other."

Jiro said into my ear I turned red and shook my head. "Oh no, it's nothing like that. I hardly talk to him anyways."

"Yea besides I think Kirishima is more fit for someone like you Y/n!"

"MINA!" I yelled at her.

"Hey sorry I came late! Took me a bit to convince Bakugou to come!"

I perked up when I heard Kirishima's voice.

"See what I mean Jiro?"

"Mina he's my friend. I hardly know him as well." She giggled I rolled my eyes what was I going to do with her. The boys got all ready to race. Kirishima came over to me. My eyes cant stop starring he- he is so...

"Hey Y/n, I hope we didn't crash the day Your you guys."

"N-no, not at all. I don't mind at all. All though I think someone is uh cheating." I point to Bakugou and laugh as he used his quirk to fly over the pool.


Kirishima went to go yell at him. I giggled and watch him go. Then I caught myself starring at him agian. I blushed and looked away. "Mina you better not be smiling."

"Haha I'm not in grinning!"

"That's not better!" The girls laughed at me I sighed. It's not my fault the guy has a attractive body.. I'm a girl how can I not look... Next thing I knew I heard someone swimming over to me.

"Hey sweet thing, hows your day goin."

Kaminari began to talk to me. I smiled and sighed. "It's okay I suppose and yours?"

"I think it's going Alright. Specially since I finally get a chance to talk to you."

"Careful with what you say Kaminari."

Jiro said getting protective over me I chuckled. "I don't think you need to be so harsh on him Jiro, he's just asking me questions." She sighed and shook her head.

"You have no idea what your getting into, I won't stop you though."

Jiro sighed I smiled at her and the looked back to Kaminari. He was way closer now. "I uh um hi!"

"Haha hi. Sorry did I sneak up on you?"

"One could say that..." He laughed at me I blushed a bit. 

"Alright I think I got Bakugou to chill down." Kirishima came back to me.

"Gasp love triangle."



"Why did she say?"

They both asked. "Nothing she's just being hyper haha." Why does she do this to me?

Can't help falling in love Kirishima x reader Where stories live. Discover now